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Calendar: 2015<<  | >>2017


January February March
Jan 14, 2016
CAC Teleconference

Jan 25, 2016
S&T 01252016 Call

Feb 03, 2016 ~ Feb 04, 2016
ESCOP SSSc Feb 2016 Meeting

Feb 18, 2016
CAC Teleconference

Mar 07, 2016
ESCOP Meeting

Mar 28, 2016
S&T 03282016 Call

April May June
Apr 21, 2016
CAC Teleconference

Apr 25, 2016
S&T 04252016 Call

May 31, 2016
NRSP Review Committee Meeting

Jun 13, 2016
S&T June 13 Call (Multistate Award Selection Call)

Jun 14, 2016
National Plant Germplasm Coordinating Committee Meeting

Jun 16, 2016
CAC Teleconference

July August September
Jul 19, 2016
ESCOP Meeting

Sep 21, 2016
2016 ESS Business Meeting Agenda

Sep 26, 2016
S&T 09262016 Call

October November December
Oct 18, 2016 ~ Oct 19, 2016
NIPMCC October 2016 Meeting

Oct 24, 2016
S&T 10242016 Call

Nov 28, 2016
S&T 11282016 Call

Acronyms: ADSA - American Dairy Science Association
ARD - Association of (1890) Research Directors
ASHS - American Society of Horticultural Science
CAC - Chair's Advisory Committee
ESS - Experiment Station Section
NCRA - North Central Regional Association
NERA - North Eastern Regional Association
SAAESD - Southern Association of Agricultural Experiment Station Directors
SAAS - Southern Association of Agricultural Scientists
SAES - State Agricultural Experiment Stations
NASULGC - National Association of State Universities and Land Grant Colleges
WAAESD - Western Association of Agricultural Experiment Station Directors
Tri-Society: American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, and Soil Science Society of America
© 2007 ESCOP; last updated Oct 2017
contacts : webmaster