ESCOP Subcommittees' Annual Reports
(Fall 1997)

Click on ESCOP Subcommittees to link to Annual Reports
ESCOP Executive Subcommittee
ESCOP Chair's Advisory Subcommittee
ESCOP Legislative Subcommittee
ESCOP Strategic Planning Subcommittee
ESCOP FY 1998 and 1999 Budget Development Subcommittee
ESCOP Nominations Subcommittee
ESCOP Resolutions Subcommittee
ESCOP-ACOP Leadership Development Subcommittee
ESCOP Genetic Resources Subcommittee
ESCOP Human Nutrition Subcommittee
ESCOP Pest Management Strategies Subcommittee
ESCOP Social Sciences Subcommittee
ESCOP Environmental Affairs Subcommittee
ESCOP/ECOP Image Enhancement Committee

Executive Subcommittee
Chair - C.C. Kaltenbach

Please see Chairs Advisory Subcommittee Report below.

Chairs Advisory Subcommittee
Chair - C.C. Kaltenbach

1. Activities Undertaken in the Past Year:

The Chairs Advisory Committee which includes all members of  the Executive Subcommittee serves as a policy setting body between meetings of the full committee to provide advice and directions to the Chair and other subcommittees as appropriate. This committee met via teleconference on a monthly basis during the past year. Issues related to Title VIII were the major topic of discussion. Other topics included, but were not limited to GPRA, budget preparation and advocacy, impact assessment, strategic planning, new initiatives, interactions with USDA and other COPs and developing agendas for forthcoming meetings.

2. Major Issues or Opportunities Relevant to Subcommittee's Forthcoming Activities:

Hopefully the Title VIII revision of the Farm Bill will be complete by the end of this year.  As of this writing, only the conference committee had yet to act.  If  the new initiative is preserved one of the biggest issues will be to interact with the Department to get this program and the expanded genome effort in place.  The present uncertainties with regard to implementation of GPRA will also demand attention as will adoption and implementation of the new strategic plan.

3. Recommended Revisions to the Charge to the Subcommittee:

No recommended changes.

4. Plans for the Up-Coming Year:

It will be necessary to deal with policy and procedure issues as they arise.  The major programmatic issues that need attention are summarized in item 2.

5. Recommended Changes to the Membership:

No recommended changes.

Legislative Subcommittee
Chair - G. L. Cunningham 

Strategic Planning Subcommittee
Chair - D. R. MacKenzie 

1. Activities Undertaken in the Past Year (1996-97):
The Subcommittee has devoted its energies to the development of a draft Strategic Plan for the SAES System. The process of planning involved our traditional partners, and players from the broader agricultural community. T-5, in addition to its member-representative, interacted with the Strategic Planning subcommittee's chair both at the outset and in the final stages of this planning exercise. Moreover, joint meetings with ECOP's Strategic Planning Council helped coordinate this plan with extension's strategic directions. The penultimate draft of the SAES System Medium-Term Strategic Plan can be found at:

The plan will be discussed by the membership at the ESS meeting at NASULGC in November. Comments before the NASULGC meetings to the Subcommittee's Chair ( are invited.

2. Major Issues or Opportunities Relevant to Subcommittee’s Forthcoming Activities (1997-98):
Despite considerable efforts by the Subcommittee, the current plan fails to link with the implementation of the GPRA. This was a disappointment to many on the Subcommittee, but it was a logical consequence of timing. The present uncertainties with regard to GPRA implementation mandated that we either delay our activities for a considerable period, or simply say that we intend to participate (which we did say).

There are many significant points and issues that are addressed in the draft plan. ESS members are encouraged to look at the draft carefully, and come to the Section meeting prepared to make a decision on the document's adoption.  Subsequent to the November NASULGC meeting the Subcommittee will revise the plan, based on the Directors' input.  The Subcommittee will then meet in Las Vegas in early February to discuss issues and concerns face-to-face.  Following that meeting the Subcommittee will once again redraft the document in time for each of the regional associations of SAES Directors to discuss the redrafted plan at their Winter/Spring meetings.  Finally, all comments from all sectors will be assembled into a final draft document for consideration by the members of ESS, possibly by e-mail (Summer?), or at the November 1998 NASULGC meeting.  The decision on the final strategic plan's adoption process will be at the discretion of ESCOP's leadership.

3. Recommended Revisions to the Charge to the Subcommittee:
The implementation of the proposed Strategic Plan (if adopted) will require a re-evaluation of the ESCOP Subcommittee structure. Later in this report we propose that the Strategic Planning Subcommittee develop a plan for subcommittee re-structuring, for consideration at a later date. Thus, no recommendations are made at this time for any change to the Subcommittee's charge.

4. Plans for Up-coming Year:
If the Plan's concept is endorsed by the ESS, the Subcommittee would like to complete the document and work on its implementation. This would entail:

5. Recommended Changes to the Membership:

None are recommended at this time, as the Subcommittee's present membership is well suited to the proposed next tasks.


FY98 and 99 Budget Subcommittee
Chair - T. L. Payne

1. Activities Undertaken in the Past Year (1996-97):

2. Major Issues or Opportunities Relevant to Subcommittee’s Forthcoming Activities (1997-98):  3. Recommended Revisions to the Charge to the Subcommittee: 4. Plans for Upcoming Year:

    See 3 above.
5. Recommended Changes to the Membership:

    None at this time.


Nominations Subcommittee
Chair - H. Paul Rasmussen

1. Activities Undertaken in the Past Year (1996-97):

2. Major Issues or Opportunities Relevant to Subcommittee’s Forthcoming Activities (1997-98):


3. Recommended Revisions to the Charge to the Subcommittee:


4. Plans for Upcoming Year:

    The new past chair will assume responsibility for the next nomination cycle.
5. Recommended Changes to the Membership:

    At the discretion of the incoming chair of ESCOP.

Resolutions Subcommittee
Chair - D.C. Coston

Nothing to report.


ESCOP-ACOP Leadership Development Subcommittee
Chair - V. McCracken

1. Activities Undertaken in the Past Year (1996-97):

2. Major Issues or Opportunities Relevant to Subcommittee’s Forthcoming Activities (1997-98): 3. Recommended Revisions to the Charge to the Subcommittee:  4. Plans for Upcoming Year: 5. Recommended Changes to the Membership:

Genetic Resources Subcommittee
Chair - Richard Lower

1. Activities Undertaken in the Past Year (1996-97):

2. Major Issues or Opportunities Relevant to Subcommittee’s Forthcoming Activities (1997-98): 3. Recommended Revisions to the Charge to the Subcommittee:  4. Plans for Upcoming Year:  5. Recommended Changes to the Membership:

Human Nutrition Subcommittee
Chair - R. D. Steele

Pest Management Strategies Subcommittee
Chair - E. E. Ortman
Year 1996-97  
Year 1997-98  

Social Sciences Subcommittee
Chair - Lou Swanson 

1. Activities Undertaken in the Past Year (1996-97):

2. Major Issues or Opportunities Relevant to Subcommittee’s Forthcoming Activities (1997-98): 3. Recommended Revisions to the Charge to the Subcommittee: 4. Plans for Upcoming Year:  5. Recommended Changes to the Membership:

Environmental Affairs Subcommittee
Chair - G. F. Arkin

ESCOP Environmental Affairs Subcommittee Annual Report
Experiment Station Section-NASULGC Annual Meeting
Monday, November 17, 1997, 8:00 - 10:00 a.m.
Dr. Gerald Arkin (Georgia AES), Chair of the Subcommittee, Reporting

1. Activities Undertaken in the Past Year (1996-1997):
The primary focus of the Environmental Affairs Subcommittee is to work with the SAES/ USDA-CSREES National Environmental Initiative (SUNEI). SUNEI is a collaborative project of the State Agricultural Experiment Stations (SAES) and the USDA-Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service (CSREES). Launched in January 1997, the Initiative is building on the long-term Federal-state partnership between the Land-Grant Universities (LGUs) and USDA-CSREES. A primary goal of SUNEI is to extend the partnership to other agencies within and outside USDA that are involved in environmental and natural resource management programs and research.

Selected SUNEI activities since last November:

2. Major Issues or Opportunities Relevant to Subcommittee's Forthcoming Activities (1997-1998):
SUNEI will be facilitating the activities of SUNEI's six project areas:  Environmental Modeling and Forecasting; Watershed Management; Land-use Planning; Environmentally and Economically Sound Agriculture; Education and Outreach; and, Value Added Technologies.

3. Recommended Revisions to the Charge to the Subcommittee:
Charge is sufficient for current activities.

4. Plans for Up-coming Year:
In the coming year, SUNEI will finalize the collaborative project areas and guiding principles documents and establish a structure for SUNEI Task Forces to begin communication through Internet chat rooms, conference calls, and meetings. Specifically, some activities may include:

5. Recommended Changes to the Membership:
There are no recommended changes to the Subcommittee's present membership or to SUNEI.  Leadership for SUNEI comes from the Steering Committee including: Scott Angle (MD AES), Jerry Arkin (GA AES), Anne Datko (CSREES-NRI), Chuck Krueger (CSREES Liaison to SUNEI), Dave MacKenzie (NERA), Ralph Otto (CSREES-NRE), Lee Sommers (CO AES), Dale Vanderholm (NE AES), and Ted Wilson (CSREES-PAS). The Liaisons include: Kerry Bolognese (NASULGC), Mike Burke (ACOP-OR), Zane Helsel (ECOP-NJ), Terry Nipp (AESOP, Ltd.), Eldon Ortman (PMSS-IN), and Tim Strickland (CSREES-CENR).

ESCOP/ECOP Image Enhancement Committee
Chair - T. J. Helms and R. L. Gilliland

As proposed jointly by ESCOP and ECOP approximately one year ago, regional impact teams have been formed in all regions.  The Impact 98 project is underway.

This year a clear distinction is being made between the national impact database development efforts and the refinements from the database, such as the Science and Education topical impact reports.

National Meeting for Regional Impact Teams:
Forty-two people from 61 states were involved in an Impact workshop in Minneapolis, Oct. 1, 1997.  The purpose was to help communicators who have been assigned as their state's representative to regional impact team understand what is expected, and provide them with training tools to be used with faculty and staff at their institution.  The over-riding goal is to improve the quality of impact submissions to the National Land-Grant/USDA Impact Database.

November 10, 1997 -- Letter sent to all Deans with 1998 Impact Topic List
November 14, 1997 -- Training materials distributed to regional reps. from NDSU
December 1, 1997 -- Web site for 1998 direct impact submissions will be open. Access to the web site will allow individual states to enter submissions from their state and edit existing material.  The 1998 impact database will be built from the foundation of 1997 submissions. Once submitted via the web site, new submission will be immediately available in the national database.
February 1, 1998 -- The team of writers assembled to develop the 1998 Science and Education impact series will download whatever is available on the national database.
February 10-13, 1998 -- Writer team will produce the 1998 Science and Education Impact series.

Regional workshops will be held by the North Central and Western regions to:
(1) Identify the best impact statements from the states for each impact topic area.
(2) Develop regional impact statements.

Science and Education impact report distribution:
In an experiment coordinated with AESOP Enterprises, 15 states have been sending the 1997 national Science and Education topical impact reports to their Congressional delegations and key staff members in two week increments. Each state has agreed to send the same topic to their delegations along with a cover letter indicating what their institution is doing in the topic.  Every two weeks another topic report is released.  If this proves effective, it may be expanded to all 50 states next year.

(end of reports)

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This page was last updated on October 27, 1997.