ESCOP Restructuring Activities

Committee Reorganization


ESCOP is currently considering a reorganization of its committee structure to better accomplish its purposes. To this end it has been proposed to limit the number of committees to five core committees. To provide continunity to the committees it has been proposed to appoint, through the ESCOP nominations process, a Committee Chair and a Committee Chair-Designate, each for two year terms.  Furthermore, to provide staff support to core committees each would be assigned an Executive Director from one of the five regional associations, to serve as an Executive Vice Chair. However, this designation should not preclude an Executive Director from serving as a Core Committee's Chair-designate or Chair. Additionally, it has been proposed that inter-committee overlaps should be reduced by carefully charging each of the committees with its specific responsibilities. And, to better implement the Experiment Station Section's Strategic Plan, the 32 Action Items associated with the Plan's eight Strategic Targets will be apportioned to the core committees.

It has been further proposed that each core committee be authorized to form Sub-committees. Such Sub-committees should be appointed by the Core Committee's Chair. Sub-committees would, in turn, elect their own Chair. Sub-committees would not be permanent, but would function for defined periods of time, working with specific charges, and reporting to its sponsoring Core Committee.

The following DRAFT Core Committee charges are for discussion purposes only.  ESCOP is requesting your responses to these proposed organizational changes. Additionally, this topic will be on the agenda for future meetings of the Experiment Station Section, with time made available for collecting your opinions and suggestions.