for the
 of the
National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges
Fall 1997
Adopted November, 1980
Amended, November, 1990
(Revised November, 1997) 

The name of this organization shall be the Experiment Station Section (herein after called the Section), an entity of the Board on Agriculture (BOA) of the National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges (NASULGC). The Section is established in accordance with the constitution and rules of operation of NASULGC.



The Section shall represent the Directors of Agricultural Experiment Stations associated with the 1862 Land-Grant Universities and the directors of the Agricultural Research Stations at the 1890 Land-Grant Universities in their collective dealings with other units of NASULGC, agencies of the federal government, farm organizations, commodity and agricultural business groups, and the public. For purposes of these Rules of Operation, the title, Director, refers to the Chief Operating Officer of the experiment station and his/her associate or assistant directors. The will of the Section's majority for issues that are ratified by, reported to, or recommended to NASULGC, shall be conveyed to the BOA (and through the BOA chair to other officers or committees of NASULGC, as appropriate) by the Section chair. The Section shall conduct its affairs in accordance with the Rules of Operation with one vote for each member.



The individual members of the Section comprise the legislative body of the Section. An annual Section meeting shall be held in conjunction with the annual meeting of NASULGC at which time most items requiring Section approval are considered. Interim business is handled by the five regional associations and by the Experiment Station Committee on Organization and Policy (ESCOP).

State Agricultural Experiment Station directors are organized into four geographically based associations. A fifth association is made up of the directors of the Agricultural Research Stations of the 1890 Land-Grant Universities. These five regional associations arrange for and conduct their business independently, including the collection and disbursement of funds for purposes agreed to among the members of each association. Such funds are used for relevant association purposes, such as the employment of an Executive Director, for authorized travel of members on regional association business, and for other special purposes. These associations are autonomous, and their funds are not the responsibility of the Section, the BOA, or NASULGC, either as to program content or accountability.

The five associations elect members to ESCOP, make recommendations to ESCOP and to the Section, and respond to proposals from ESCOP and the Section.



The voting membership of the Section shall consist of one representative from each of the 1862 and 1890 universities of the dues-paying member institutions of NASULGC. The Administrator, Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service (CSREES), United States Department of Agriculture (or his/her designee), the five EDs, and the Director of Federal Relations for Agriculture for NASULGC shall be ex-officio, non-voting members of the Section.



A. The officers of the Section shall be: a chair, who also serves as chair of ESCOP, and a chair-elect, each serving one-year terms; and a representative from the Section to the Executive Committee of NASULGC appointed for a three-year term (as per the rotation in the Rules of Operation of BOA). The Section chair represents the Section to the Executive Committee of the Board on Agriculture. The one-year terms of the chair and the chair-elect shall expire at the close of the Section's business meeting, normally held in conjunction with the NASULGC annual meeting. The BOA Executive Committee representative's three-year term expires at the close of the annual meeting of NASULGC in the last year of his/her term.

B. Elections. Each year at the annual meeting of the Section during (or immediately following) the NASULGC annual meeting, a chair-elect shall be elected. The BOA Executive Committee representative shall be elected at an annual Section meeting every third year, at the end of the term of the current representative.

Nominations for chair-elect and representative to the BOA Executive Committee shall be made to the Section for their consideration, drawing nominations from the current membership of the regional associations. Nominations of other candidates from the Section's membership may be made by Section members-at-large from the floor.

C. Duties. The chair, as the chief executive officer of the Section, assigns duties and directs the activities of all standing and technical subcommittees, appoints ad hoc committees, and communicates with the chair of the BOA, or through the chair of the BOA to other officers or committees of NASULGC. The chair is also responsible for final approval of all meeting agenda and presides at the business meetings.

The chair-elect shall serve in the absence of the chair. The chair-elect is also responsible for planning the program of the annual Section meeting. The chair-elect shall undertake such other duties as the Section chair shall direct, and shall become Section chair for the remainder of the term, should the chair resign or otherwise be unable to serve. The chair-elect shall recommend to the chair committee slates for the coming year, and notify all committee appointees prior to the annual meeting, so that the committees may meet immediately after the business meeting of the Section.

All Section officers are responsible for maintaining and then transferring to their successors complete sets of official documents and records of a continuing and directive nature. A permanent copy of all such documents also shall be made available to the NASULGC office as the official Section record.

D. Executive Committee. ESCOP serves as the executive committee of the Section (see Article VII).



The Section provides for interaction with other groups involved in research that is similar or complementary to the research done within the SAESs (1862) and the Agricultural Research Stations (1890) through their affiliation with the Section. Presently established affiliated groups are Board on Human Sciences, the National Association of Professional Forestry Schools and Colleges (NAPFSC), and the Board on Veterinary Medicine. NAPFSC, which includes institutions that are not members of NASULGC, is presently affiliated with the Section under a memorandum of agreement.

 Other groups may become affiliated with the Section upon mutual agreement among the group or groups and the Section.



ESCOP is the executive committee of the Section empowered to formulate policy and to act in behalf of the Section, subject to the will of the Section as expressed at business meetings of the Section, or through referenda conducted during the interim between business meetings. ESCOP handles continuing business and attends to organization and policy matters, oftentimes through relationships within NASULGC, with agencies of the federal government, and with farm organizations, commodity and agri-business groups that are referred to it by the Section or by the regional associations. ESCOP may appoint standing subcommittees and technical subcommittees with long-range or continuing assignments, and ad hoc subcommittees with shorter-term, and more specific assignments. Subcommittees and ad hoc subcommittees report to the chair of ESCOP and may, on the recommendation of the ESCOP chair, report to the Section as a whole.

ESCOP shall handle continuing business, and organization and policy issues that are generated within ESCOP, or referred to ESCOP by the Section, BOA, NASULGC, or the regional associations. These issues may involve relationships within NASULGC, or with agencies of the federal government, farm organizations, or commodity and agribusiness groups.

The voting members of ESCOP shall include the chair of ESCOP (who also serves as the chair of the Section), the chair-elect of ESCOP (who also serves as the chair-elect of the Section), the immediate past chair of ESCOP, three members elected from each of the five regional associations (i.e., 15 representatives) each serving a three-year term on a staggered basis. In addition, voting representatives (one each) shall come from the NASULGC Boards on Human Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, and one representative shall come from the NAPFSC. Each of these representatives shall serve at the pleasure of their respective associations.

Nonvoting ex-officio members and nonvoting liaison representatives are:

Ex-Officio Members

Liaison Representatives (one representative from each) The Officers of ESCOP shall be the chair, the immediate past chair, the executive vice-chair, and the chair-elect. The ED representing the geographic region of the ESCOP chair serves as executive vice-chair, with the prior approval and agreement of that regional association.

The positions of the Section chair and of the ESCOP chair shall be held by the same person. The positions of the Section chair-elect and of the ESCOP chair-elect shall be held by the same person.

The Duties of ESCOP Officers are:

Chair: The chair provides leadership, direction, and counsel for all activities of ESCOP in its collective relationships with: other units of NASULGC; organizations contracted to act in behalf of ESCOP (i.e., AESOP Enterprises, Ltd.); the regional associations; agencies of the federal government; farm organizations; commodity and agricultural business groups; and the public. The chair initiates action on issues of importance referred to ESCOP by the regional associations, and he/she chairs meetings of ESCOP, the ESCOP Chair's Advisory Subcommittee, and the ESCOP Executive Subcommittee. The chair approves agendas for those meetings, assigns duties, and coordinates the activities of all ESCOP subcommittees. The chair, with the assistance of the executive vice chair, prepares a list of all subcommittees at the close of the annual meeting of NASULGC, and prepares and distributes minutes of all meetings. The chair also is responsible for maintaining communications between ESCOP and other units of NASULGC, and represents ESCOP to the BOA.

Executive Vice-Chair: The executive vice-chair performs those responsibilities delegated by the chair. Those duties have customarily included staff support service in such activities as (1) development of agendas and minutes of meetings, policy option statements, and drafts of testimony; (2) follow-up on subcommittee activities and initiatives; (3) identification of possible nominees for various ESCOP subcommittees; and (4) continuing liaison with agencies of the federal government, farm organizations, commodity and agricultural business groups, and the public.

The executive vice-chair provides direct and continual support to the chair, monitors day-to-day activities which affect ESCOP, notifies the chair when ESCOP attention or action is appropriate, makes facility arrangements for meetings of ESCOP, and assures that the documents and materials required to conduct the business of ESCOP are available to the chair, and others as appropriate.

Chair-Elect: The ESCOP chair-elect shall serve as chair in the absence of the chair, and becomes the chair for the remainder of the term, should the chair resign or otherwise be unable to serve. The chair-elect shall assist the chair in preparation of meeting agenda, and undertake such other duties as the chair shall direct. The chair-elect is also responsible for obtaining an annual report from each subcommittee chair.

Past Chair: The ESCOP past chair provides advice to the chair and other ESCOP officers, and chairs the ESCOP Nominations Subcommittee.

Records Maintenance and Transfer:

All officers are responsible for maintaining and transferring to their successors complete sets of official documents of a continuing and directive nature.

Nominations Subcommittee:

The ESCOP Nominations Subcommittee shall annually submit nominations for the chair and chair-elect from the present membership of ESCOP. All nominations shall be submitted and the election held during the last meeting of ESCOP, prior to the annual Section meeting held in conjunction with the annual NASULGC meeting. The terms of office shall commence and expire at the close of the regular Section business meeting. These terms of office shall be for one year, except that the chair and the chair-elect may be elected to serve a second term.

The Nominations Subcommittee also submits nominations for ESCOP Subcommittee chairs to be appointed at the time of the annual Section meeting. The chairs of ESCOP subcommittees are to be selected on the basis of their ability and willingness to serve, without regard to rotation by region, or by seniority of service on the subcommittee.

Meeting Times:

Three (3) meetings are scheduled for ESCOP each calendar year. They are the spring, summer and fall meetings. The Fall meeting is held in conjunction with the annual meeting of NASULGC and, in turn, the Section meeting.

The chair of ESCOP has the authority to cancel trimester meetings, based on his/her best judgement. The ESCOP chair is empowered to call special meetings to consider emergency or extraordinary issues. However, issues which require action between regular meetings of ESCOP normally are handled by the Executive Subcommittee, which may meet twice each year; once shortly after the Federal Executive Branch budget is released, and again between the summer and the fall meetings of ESCOP.

Meeting Agendas:

In advance of each meeting, the chair of ESCOP shall request members to submit items for the agenda, including any actions from the regional associations that are referred to ESCOP. The chair shall distribute the agenda to all members at least one (1) week prior to the ESCOP meeting. This may be accomplished electronically.

The chair shall actively encourage new directors to attend the November Section meeting.

Procedures Relative to Actions of ESCOP:

By mutual consent of its members, certain selected actions of ESCOP are handled by seeking formal approval of the NASULGC organization. Other actions are taken directly. Points of departure or issues of difference with NASULGC shall be resolved by referring to the NASULGC Rules of Operation.

Actions Requiring NASULGC Approval:

The development of the formal BOA budget request for the Section and other nonfederal affiliated research units, and entitling legislation relative to that budget, are matters requiring formal action of NASULGC. This is because the recommendations will later be considered for formal support by NASULGC. Other issues requiring formal NASULGC approval may arise from time to time. Procedures for seeking NASULGC approval are:

1. A written statement should be prepared by ESCOP indicating the support of the majority of the voting members of ESCOP.

2. The chair of ESCOP shall present the statement to the Section for discussion and approval or disapproval.

3. When approved by the Section, it is submitted by the chair of ESCOP to the BOA for approval.

ESCOP Publications

Proposals to prepare publications by ESCOP, its subcommittees, or any special group representing ESCOP, should be submitted to the chair of ESCOP and be approved by ESCOP in advance of preparation. The procedures for undertaking an ESCOP publication are outlined in Appendix A.


ESCOP's functions are accomplished principally through the work of its subcommittees.

ESCOP subcommittees are established by the chair of ESCOP with the advice and consent of ESCOP's membership. Membership needs of the subcommittee are determined by ESCOP, not the subcommittee's membership.

With the establishment of each subcommittee, the following information is to be recorded in the ESCOP minutes:

1. Name and category of subcommittee.

2. Purpose and specific charge to the subcommittee.

3. Membership needs and duration of terms.

4. Special needs of the subcommittee.


Standing Subcommittees are established for an indefinite period of time to guide the administrative and operational functions of ESCOP.

The Executive Subcommittee assists the ESCOP chair on actions necessary between regular ESCOP meetings. Meetings are usually held in late January or early February and September. Members are: the chair, chair-elect, executive vice-chair, and immediate past chair of ESCOP; the senior ESCOP representatives from the five associations, the EDs of the five associations; the chairs of the ESCOP Strategic Planning and Budget Development Subcommittees, the CSREES Administrator; and the NASULGC's Director of Federal Relations for Agriculture.

The Chair's Advisory Subcommittee meets at the request of the ESCOP chair. Members are: the ESCOP chair, the ESCOP chair-elect, the ESCOP past chair, the Executive Directors of five regional associations, the chair of the ESCOP Budget Subcommittee, the chair of the ESCOP Legislative Subcommittee, and the President of AESOP Enterprises, Ltd., or his/her nominee.

The Legislative Subcommittee represents ESCOP in interactions with USDA, Office of Management and Budget (OMB), Congress, and other federal agencies concerning proposed legislation or changes in legislation having impact on agricultural research. The leadership of this subcommittee coordinates its activities with the Legislative Subcommittee of the BOA, NASULGC. Members are: a chair, appointed by the ESCOP chair, the EDs from the five regional association, a representative from AESOP Enterprises, Ltd., and an ECOP liaison. At-large members, recommended by the subcommittee chair, may be appointed by the chair of ESCOP.

The Strategic Planning Subcommittee maintains the ESCOP Strategic Plan, identifies national research priorities, and maintains liaison with other research planning groups, particularly within USDA and NASULGC. Members are: a chair appointed by ESCOP chair, the chair of ESCOP Budget Development Subcommittee, several regional representatives, the associations' EDs, a CSREES representative, the chair of the ESCOP Social Science Subcommittee, and ECOP and ACOP representatives. At-large members, recommended by the subcommittee chair, may be appointed by the chair of ESCOP.

The Budget Development Subcommittee develops detailed annual federal funding requests for the Section using the products of the ESCOP Strategic Planning Subcommittee to justify the request with Congress, the White House's OMB, USDA, and others. The chair of the subcommittee maintains liaison with the BOA Budget Committee. Members of the Budget Development Subcommittee are: the chair who is appointed by the chair of ESCOP, an executive vice-chair (normally one of the five regional EDs), the chair of Strategic Planning Subcommittee, several regional representatives (each with an alternate) from the five regional associations, the five regional association EDs, one or more representatives (with alternates) from the NASULGC Boards on Human Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, a NAPFSC representative (with an alternate), a CARET representative, an ECOP Budget Committee representative, an ACOP Budget Committee representative, an ICOP representative, and a CoFarm representative. At-large members recommended by the subcommittee chair may be appointed by the chair of ESCOP.

The ESCOP Nominations Subcommittee prepares nominations of officers for the Section and for ESCOP. Nominations Subcommittee members are: the chair, who is the immediate past chair of ESCOP plus five senior representatives of the regional associations, all appointed by the chair of ESCOP.

The Resolutions Subcommittee prepares and introduces to ESCOP and the Section proposed resolutions. Members of the subcommittee are a chair and three additional ESCOP members, appointed for one-year terms by the chair of ESCOP.

ESCOP-ACOP Leadership Development Subcommittee has the responsibility of conducting leadership development programs designed for scientists in the system who have potential for and interest in positions of leadership within the system. This subcommittee also looks for opportunities to merge ESCOP-ACOP leadership development activities with others in the system. Members are appointed by the chair of ESCOP.

Technical Subcommittees develop recommendations for ESCOP on science issues and technical subject matters. Technical subcommittees are appointed for a maximum of four years. Some technical subcommittees may be joint with CSREES, ARS, ECOP, or others. Members are appointed by the chair of ESCOP.

Some current ESCOP Technical Subcommittees are:

The Genetic Resources Subcommittee represents the ESCOP in the area of genetic resources of all life forms with appropriate agencies and associations; to identify opportunities and problems associated with germplasm and genome research; to develop recommendations on policy and procedures that enhance coordination between ESCOP and federal agencies to participate and provide leadership in catalog and retrieval systems.

The Human Nutrition Subcommittee has the responsibility to identify emerging opportunities and problems related to human nutrition research and to develop recommendations on policy, procedures and methods to enhance cooperation and coordination between ESCOP and USDA, and with other federal agencies.

The Pest Management Strategies Subcommittee has the responsibility to identify and evaluate activities required to improve current management research programs that are environmentally, economically and socially acceptable; to coordinate interaction between various ESCOP ad hoc committees and the Pest Management Strategies Working Groups; to represent ESCOP positions to federal agencies, private organizations and state institutions; and to serve as a resource to ESCOP on pest management issues.

The Social Sciences Subcommittee will provide recommendations to ESCOP on social sciences research opportunities and needs, recommend strategies for enhancing involvement of social sciences interdisciplinary research, facilitate definition of the ESCOP research agenda with environmental and consumer interests and develop recommendations on these subjects to the ESCOP Strategic Planning and the ESCOP Budget Development Subcommittees.

The Environmental Affairs Subcommittee will develop and maintain a broad liaison with agencies of federal government dealing with environmental research and related issues; to ensure an ongoing cooperation with the USDA research and development, and other action agencies addressing environmental affairs; to develop recommendations for policy statements, budget proposals, and planning initiatives for ESCOP.

Ad Hoc Subcommittees develop recommendations for ESCOP on research issues not related to a specific ESCOP subcommittee. Ad hoc subcommittees are appointed for a maximum of two years. Some Ad hoc subcommittees may be joint with CSREES, the Agricultural Research Service (ARS) of the USDA, the ECOP, or others. Members to ad hoc subcommittees are appointed by the chair of ESCOP.


In order to facilitate ESCOP subcommittee reports and requests for approval for planning activities, the following annual timetable is established:

September 1: ESCOP chair-elect requests an annual report from each subcommittee chair.

October 1: Subcommittee reports available to ESCOP chair-elect for review.

November 1: Subcommittee reports are made available to Section members for the fall meeting of the Section, which is held in conjunction with the NASULGC annual meeting.

The annual subcommittee reports shall include (as applicable to each subcommittee) information on: (1) the subcommittee's previous year actions and activities; (2) the subcommittee's plans for the next year, vis-a-vis the subcommittee's charge; (3) specific requests for ESCOP or Section approval of subcommittee actions or recommendations; and (4) suggestions concerning the subcommittee's future. These reports will be recorded in the ESCOP minutes. Fall meeting of the Section at the NASULGC annual meeting: At the Section annual meeting, the chair of ESCOP will report highlights from subcommittee activities except where specific subcommittees are reporting. ESCOP REPRESENTATION TO OTHER GROUPS

ESCOP provides representatives to a variety of other committees, agencies, associations, and organizations. Representatives are appointed by the chair of ESCOP. These appointments include: ICOP (R-2), ECOP (R-4), ACOP (R-5), CARET (R-6), National Agricultural Pesticide Impact Assessment Program Steering Committee (R-7), AOSCA Advisory Committee (R-8), USDA Plant Variety Protection Advisory Board (R-9), NACD Conservation, Research and Technology Committee (R-11), NAPFSC Executive Committee (R-12), NAPFSC Research Committee (R-13), ECOP Strategic Planning (R-17), Food and Agricultural Education Information System (FAEIS) Advisory Council (R-19), USDA Gypsy Moth Working Group (R-20), Planning Committee for Lay Leaders Seminar (R-21), National Pesticide Information Retrieval System (NPIRS) Advisory Council (R-22), National Extension Leadership Development Program (R-23), National Genetic Resources Program (R-24), National Cattlemen's Association (R-25), NASULGC Board on Agriculture (ESCOP Liaison) (R-26), Grazing Lands Conservation Task Force (R-27)



Section committees may be established by action of the Section's chair. Committees may be charted for long-term assignments, short term, or they may be ad hoc. Committee chairs shall annually make written reports to the chair of the Section. These will be considered by the executive committee of the Section and a decision made by the chair whether to formally submit the reports to the Section at the next annual meeting, post the report on the Section's World Wide Web home page, or circulate the report to the membership by electronic mail.



For purposes of doing business of the Section or of ESCOP, a quorum shall consist of a majority of the duly constituted voting membership at any officially called meeting for which written notice and agenda are sent out at least one week in advance of the meeting. A simple majority resolves all issues except amendments to the Rules of Operation and on questions on financial assessments, which shall require a two-thirds majority of those voting.



The emphasis in all Section and ESCOP meetings shall be on orderly process to achieve an objective decision by those present and voting. Should there be a parliamentary challenge it shall be answered by refering to the most current edition of Roberts' Rules of Order.



These rules of operation may be amended at any business meeting of the Section provided the proposed amendment has been mailed to all members at least one month in advance of the annual meeting, and the question is passed by a two-thirds majority of the voting members present at the meeting.



Assessments that are invoiced through NASULGC shall annually be a singular annual request, and an orderly process conducted in accordance with the following schedule:





Approval and Review Procedures

Proposals to prepare publications either printed (hard copy) or electronic by ESCOP, its subcommittees, or any special group representing ESCOP, should be submitted to the chair of ESCOP and be approved by ESCOP in advance of preparation. Requests for USDA funding for the preparation of special publications or proceedings from states, regions, subcommittees of ESCOP, or the full membership ESCOP should be submitted to the chair of ESCOP, approved in advance by ESCOP, and submitted by the chair of ESCOP to the administrator of CSREES or other administrator, if appropriate.

Publication guidelines should be considered in the early stages of preparation of ESCOP reports, especially those intended to impact policy makers in the Executive Branch or in Congress.

Drafts of ESCOP publications will be submitted to the chair of the Strategic Planning Subcommittee (acting as a clearing house) for review. The chair of the Strategic Planning Subcommittee will ask for an appropriate group to review the document with respect to its utility for the intended audience. Reviewers may include congressional staffers or other potential users, if appropriate. Reviews will be conducted in a timely manner.

Format Requirements:

Title Pages: The title pages shall include the following essential information. (Publishers may vary the location of the information on the individual title pages.)  

Back of the Title Page or Second Electronic Page

Distribution of Publications will be by electronic means except where printed copies are necessary for distribution. The National Agricultural Library (NAL) will catalog (or index) the publications which will become part of the AGRICOLA data base and other electronic data bases, as they deem appropriate. Notice of the publication should also be sent to the following: 10/97 

ESCOP Draft Documents
ESCOP Homepage

Page last updated October 14, 1997