ESCOP Subcommittees

Standing Committees Technical Committees Cooperating Committees Ad-Hoc Committees

ESCOP Chair's Advisory Committee
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To meet at the request of the ESCOP Chair.

Chair: Richard Jones (FL)

Participating Members:

ESCOP Core Committee Chairs' Subcommittee

Chair: McArthur Floyd (AL)

Participating Members:

ESCOP Nominations Subcommittee
To prepare nominations for officers of the Section and of ESCOP (normally the same except that ESCOP operates without a secretary).

Chair: Darrell Nelson (NE)

Participating Members:

ESCOP Resolutions Subcommittee
To prepare and introduce ESCOP and Section resolutions.

Chair: Jim Jacobs (WY), WAAESD

Participating Members:

ESCOP-ACOP Leadership Development Subcommittee
To conduct leadership development programs directed at scientists in the system who have potential for, and interest in, positions of leadership in the SAESs and resident instruction system. This subcommittee also maintains liasion with other leadership development programs in the system.

Chair: Vickie McCracken (WA)

Participating Members:

Joint ESCOP-ECOP Rural Communities and Farm Crisis Task Force
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Chair: Lou Swanson (CO)

Participating Members:
(View list of Task Force Nominees.)

Working Documents:

Genetic Resources Subcommittee*
To represent the SAES in the area of genetic resources of all life forms with appropriate agencies and associations; to identify opportunities and problems associated with germplasm and genome research; to develop recommendations on policy and procedures that enhance coordination between SAESs and federal agencies to participate and provide leadership in catalog and retrieval systems.

Chair: Richard Lower

Participating Members:

Joint ESCOP-ECOP Pest Management Strategies Subcommittee*
To effect communication between the federal government and the SAES/CES Directors and stakeholders; and to perform a liaison role with the Office of Pest Management

ESCOP Co-Chair: Eldon E. Ortman (IN)
ECOP Co-Chair: Frank Zalom (CA)

Participating Members:

Committee membership includes the chair and administrative advisor(s) for each Regional IPM Research and Extension Coordinating Committee and the IPM Grants Manager from each Region, plus a research and extension faculty representative selected annually by the Regional Committees. When circumstances dictate, a broader base of representation is invited to participate in specific activities.

Joint ESCOP-ECOP Task Force on Image Enhancement**
To develop and implement methods that more effectively communicate with the various publics involved benefitting either directly or indirectly from the results of Experiment Station and Extension activities; to maintain a database of relevant issue and outcome related information that can be effectively used in the advocacy of programs.

Co-Chair, ESCOP: Ron Pardini (NV)
Co-Chair, ECOP: David Foster (AR)

Participating Members:

Regional Research Partnership Subcommittee**
In conjunction with the federal partner a) maintain current reference documents regarding procedures and policies for regional research; b) make recommendations to ESCOP concerning the regional research portfolio relative to priorities; c) coordinate the review and approval process for National Research Support Projects (NRSP's) and National Research Projects (NRP's); d) make recommendations to ESCOP relative to policies needed to enhance regional research; and e) pursue mechanisms and make recommendations relative to increasing the efficiency, visibility, and opportunities for regional research management.

Chair: R.D. Heil (ED-W)

Participating Members:

ESCOP-ECOP Agricultural Biotechnology Task Force
[Task Force completed assignment 2/1/00]

Chair: Daryl Lund

Participating Members:
North CentralLuther Tweeten
Ohio, Economics
Nicholas Kalaitzandonakes
Missouri, Economics
Paul Thompson
Indiana, Philosophy
North EasternErik Lichtenberg
Maryland, Economics
Dave MacKenzie
NERA-ED, Plant Biotechnology
Freddie Dixon
SouthernTom Hoban
North Carolina, Sociology
Susan Barefoot
South Carolina, Food Science
WesternV. Phillip Rasmussen
Utah, Plant Science
Noelle Cockett
Utah, Animal Biotechnology
1890Marvin Burns, Langston Univ.
CSREESRamkishan Rao, Food Science
ARSK. Darwin Murrell
John W. Radin

Charge to the Agricultural Biotechnology Task Force
Task Force Report - Agricultural Biotechnology: Critical Issues and Recommended Responses from the Land-Grant Universities [Requires Acrobat Reader] (Posted 1/21/00)
Suggested Action Steps for ESCOP (Posted 9/00)

ESCOP-ECOP Agricultural Biotechnology Implementation Task Force
[Initiated 9/00] [E-mail the committee:]

Chair: Tom Hoban (NC)
Vice Chair: Nicholas Kalaitzandonakes (MO)
Administrative Advisor: Johnny Wynne (NC)

Tentative Participating Members:

Working Documents:

Social Sciences Subcommittee* T-5

Chair: Lou Swanson, (CO)


Working Documents:

ECOP-ESCOP Food Safety Task Force
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Chair: Daryl Lund
Vice-Chair: David MacKenzie

Participating Members:
(View complete listing of committee member addresses or download as a Word Perfect file).

Kathryn Boor (NYC)
Guendoline Brown (WV)
Michael Davidson (TN)
Jim Denton (AR)
Michael Doyle (GA)
Cameron Faustman (CN)
Curtis Kastner (KS)
Janet Kurzynske (KY)
David Lineback (MD)
Kristy Long (AK)
Michael Moody (LA)
William Nganje (ND)
Steven Otwell (FL)
Carolyn Raab (OR)
Stephen Sapp (IA)
Donald Schaffner (NJ)
John Sofos (CO)
Susan Sumner (VA)
Steve Taylor (NE)
Laurian Unnevehr (IL)
Wilda Wade (NC)
Jan Singleton (CSREES)
William Wagner (CSREES)

Working Documents:

Genomics Steering Committee*
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Direct efforts in launching a major genomics initiative for the federal budget, including soliciting a high profile advocacy group and preparing an analysis of the situation. Committee will identify major tasks and design committees to address them.

Chair: Colin Kaltenbach

Participating Members:

Working Documents:

Roadmap Steering Committee


Chair: Randy Woodson

Participating Members:

ESCOP-ECOP-CSREES Environmental Initiative Task Force
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Define how the Land-Grant system might best proceed in development of a "think-tank" to address environmental issues.

Co-Chair: Eldon Ortman
Co-Chair: Richard Wootton

Participating Members:

ESCOP representatives:
Gerald F. Arkin, GA
Eldon Ortman, IN
Lee Sommers, CO
ECOP representatives:
Nancy Bull, CT
James Christenson, AZ
Richard Wootton, KS
CSREES representatives:
Basil Eastwood
Raymond Knighton
Michael O'Neill
Mary Ann Rozum
Terry Nipp, AESOP
May Naddaf, AESOP
Dave MacKenzie, NERA
Chuck Krueger, PA
Jill Kaveny, CO

Working Documents:

* Denotes Technical Committee.
**Denotes Cooperating Committee.

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