ESCOP Subcommittees

Standing Committees Technical Committees Cooperating Committees Ad-Hoc Committees

ESCOP Chair's Advisory Committee
[E-mail the committee:]
Purpose: To meet at the request of the ESCOP Chair.

Chair: Richard Heimsch (ID)

Participating Members:

ESCOP Core Committee Chairs' Subcommittee
[E-mail the committee:]
Purpose: To coordinate activities and reports of Core Committee Chairs.

Chair: Scott Angle (MD)

Participating Members:

Ex-officio members: Executive Directors

ESCOP Nominations Subcommittee
Purpose: To prepare nominations for officers of the Section and of ESCOP (normally the same).

Chair: McArthur Floyd (AL)

Participating Members: (Senior Regional Representatives)

ESCOP Resolutions Subcommittee
Purpose: To prepare and introduce ESCOP and Section resolutions.

Chair: LeRoy Daugherty, NM

Participating Members:

ESCOP-ACOP Leadership Development Subcommittee
Subcommittee webpage
Purpose: To conduct leadership development programs directed at scientists in the system who have potential for, and interest in, positions of leadership in the SAESs and resident instruction system. This subcommittee also maintains liasion with other leadership development programs in the system.

Chair: Karen Kubena (TX)

Participating Members:

ESCOP-ECOP Rural Communities and Farm Crisis Task Force
[E-mail the committee:]
Purpose: Recommend specific action items to help the land-grant system address high priority research and education issues related to rural communities and to the farm crisis.

Chair: Lou Swanson (CO)
Vice-Chair: Bob Heil, WAAESD

Participating Members:
(View list of Task Force Members.)

Working Documents:

Genetic Resources Subcommittee*
Purpose: To represent the SAES in the area of genetic resources of all life forms with appropriate agencies and associations; to identify opportunities and problems associated with germplasm and genome research; to develop recommendations on policy and procedures that enhance coordination between SAESs and federal agencies to participate and provide leadership in catalog and retrieval systems.

Chair: (tba)

Participating Members:

Genomics Subcommittee*
Purpose: Define the scope of genomics, research contributions of the public and private sectors, and priorities and goals of the principal agencies.

Chair: Randy Woodson

Participating Members:

ESCOP-ECOP Pest Management Strategies Subcommittee*
Purpose: To effect communication between the federal government and the SAES/CES Directors and stakeholders; and to perform a liaison role with the Office of Pest Management

ESCOP Co-Chair: Eldon E. Ortman (IN)
ECOP Co-Chair: Frank Zalom (CA)

Participating Members:

Committee membership includes the chair and administrative advisor(s) for each Regional IPM Research and Extension Coordinating Committee and the IPM Grants Manager from each Region, plus a research and extension faculty representative selected annually by the Regional Committees. When circumstances dictate, a broader base of representation is invited to participate in specific activities.

Working Committees:

ESCOP-ECOP Task Force on Image Enhancement**
Purpose: To develop and implement methods that more effectively communicate with the various publics involved benefitting either directly or indirectly from the results of Experiment Station and Extension activities; to maintain a database of relevant issue and outcome related information that can be effectively used in the advocacy of programs.

Co-Chair, ESCOP: Ron Pardini (NV)
Co-Chair, ECOP: Keith Smith (OH)

Participating Members:

National Multistate Coordinating Committee **
Purpose: Responsible for making recommendations to ESCOP,ECOP, CSREES, and the regional associations of AES and CES Directors regarding policies, procedures, and opportunities for enhancing the effectiveness and visibility of multistate research and multistate integrated activities.

Chair: (tba)

Participating Members:

ESCOP-ECOP Agricultural Biotechnology Implementation Task Force [Initiated 9/00]
[E-mail the committee:]

Chair: Tom Hoban (NC)
Vice Chair: Nicholas Kalaitzandonakes (MO)
Administrative Advisor: Johnny Wynne (NC)

Purpose: Determine the research and educational needs and opportunities related to biotechnology issues and determine an appropriate role for the land-grant system in addressing these issues.

Participating Members:

Working Documents:

Social Sciences Subcommittee*
[E-mail the committee:]
Purpose: Recommend specific action items to help the Land-Grant System respond to high priority issues related to social concerns. Continue to identify high priority research and education action items leading to specific outcomes which will be attractive to funding agencies to enable Land-Grant Systems to address social issues in a significant, measurable way that will lead to sustained financial support for these programs.

Chair: Janet Bokemeier, (MI)
ESCOP Representative: Nancy M. Cox (KY), Chair, ESCOP Science and Technology Committee


(See Membership roster) [Updated 9/25/02]

Working Documents:

ESCOP-ECOP Food Safety Subcommittee
[E-mail the committee:]

Purpose: Determine the research and education needs and opportunities related to food safety issues and determine an appropriate role for the Land-Grant System in addressing these issues.

Chair: Steve Taylor (NE)
Vice-Chair: Michael Doyle (GA)
Administrative Adviser: Darrell Nelson (NE)

Participating Members:

Doug Archer (FL)
Kathryn Boor (NYC)
Guendoline Brown (WV)
Michael Davidson (TN)
Jim Denton (AR)
Michael Doyle (GA)
Cameron Faustman (CN)
Jerry Gillespie (JIFSR)
Curtis Kastner (KS)
Janet Kurzynske (KY)
David Lineback (MD)
Kristy Long (AK)
Daryl Lund (NCRA), Ex-officio
Michael Moody (LA)
William Nganje (ND)
Steven Otwell (FL)
Carolyn Raab (OR)
Stephen Sapp (IA)
Donald Schaffner (NJ)
John Sofos (CO)
Susan Sumner (VA)
Steve Taylor (NE)
Wilda Wade (NC)
Jan Singleton (CSREES)
William Wagner (CSREES)

Working Documents:

Background Documents from Food Safety Task Force:

Genomics Steering Committee*
[E-mail the committee:]

Purpose: Direct efforts in launching a major genomics initiative for the federal budget, including soliciting a high profile advocacy group and preparing an analysis of the situation. Committee will identify major tasks and design committees to address them.

Chair: Colin Kaltenbach

Participating Members:

Working Documents:

Science Roadmap Task Force
[E-mail the committee:]
[Initiated 9/00]

Purpose: Prepare a science roadmap to provide direction for the extended future of agriculture.

Chair: Colin Kaltenbach (AZ)
Vice-Chair: David MacKenzie, NERA

Participating Members:

Working Documents:

ESCOP-ECOP-CSREES Environmental Initiative Task Force
[E-mail the committee:]

Purpose: Define how the Land-Grant system might best proceed in development of a "think-tank" to address environmental issues.

Co-Chair: Eldon Ortman
Co-Chair: Richard Wootton

Participating Members:

ESCOP representatives:
Gerald F. Arkin, GA
Eldon Ortman, IN
Lee Sommers, CO
ECOP representatives:
Nancy Bull, CT
James Christenson, AZ
Richard Wootton, KS
CSREES representatives:
Basil Eastwood
Raymond Knighton
Michael O'Neill
Mary Ann Rozum
Terry Nipp, AESOP
May Naddaf, AESOP
Dave MacKenzie, NERA
Chuck Krueger, PA
Jill Kaveny, CO

Working Documents:

National Oversight Committee for the Information Management Support System (IMSS)
[E-mail the committee:]

Purpose: Provide oversight and management in the development of the National Information Management Support System (N-IMSS), a web-based system for management of multistate research activities.

Chair: (tba)

Participating Members:

Northeast Region:
Scott Angle, MD
Bob Seem, NY
David MacKenzie, NERA
Rubie Mize, NERA

North Central Region:
Margaret Dentine, WI
Doreen Woodward, MI
Daryl Lund, NCRA
Madelyn Alt, NCRA

Southern Region:
Nancy Cox, MS
Eric Young, SAAESD
Anna Marie Rasberry, SAAESD

Western Region:
LeRoy Daugherty, NM
Colin Kaltenbach, AZ
Paul Rasmussen, UT
Mike Harrington, WAAESD
Harriet Sykes, WAAESD

Sam Donald, ARD
Cherly Oros, CSREES
Natalie Moy, Consultant
Judy Sun, Consultant

ESCOP Task Force on Meetings
Purpose: Determine a more rational approach to meeting schedules, regionally and nationally, in order to facilitate more efficient use of time and travel funds.
[Appointed 9/12/01/ - reported findings 3/02]

Chair: (tba)

Participating Members:

ESCOP-ECOP MAPS (Multiple Activity Programs) Task Force
[E-mail the committee:]

Purpose: Provide direction for development of Multiple Activity Programs (MAPS) to facilitate accountability of formula funds.
[Appointed 9/11/01; Dissolved 11/11/02]

Chair: Colin Kaltenbach (AZ)

Participating Members:

ESCOP MembersECOP MembersOther
Colin Kaltenbach (AZ), Adv./Marketing Comm.
Randy Woodson (IN), Sci./Tech. Comm.
Eric Young (NC), Planning Comm.
Tom Helms (SAAESD) [Staff Support]
Oscar Butler (SC)
Mary Gray (CO)
Keith Smith (OH)
Ron Brown (ASRED) [Staff Support]
Richard Heimsch (ID) (ESCOP Chair, Ex-Officio)
George Cooper (CSREES)
Gary Cunningham (CSREES)

ESCOP Homeland Agro-Security Task Force

Purpose: Assess the vulnerability of the State Agricultural Experiment Stations, evaluate the contributions the Land-Grant Universities can make to emerging risks to agricultural and food production from bioterrorism, and provide to ESCOP a set of recommendations on what needs to be done to protect our agricultural and natural resources, or to mitigate damages should something untoward occur.
[Appointed 9/25/01]

Chair: David Thawley, NV
Executive Vice-Chair: David MacKenzie, NERA

Participating Members:
Core Panel:
[Core Panel Listserve]
David Thawley, NV, Chair
David MacKenzie, NERA, Vice-Chair
Ralph Cavalieri, WA
Neville Clarke, TX
D. C. Coston, OK
Joe Joyce, FL
Ed Mather, MI
Darrell Nelson, NE
Resource Members:
Matt Croin, AK
Steve Leath, NC
William Wagner, CSREES
Randy Woodson, IN
(Others to be named)
Ex-Officio Members:
Richard Heimsch, ID, ESCOP Chair
Sam Donald, ED-ARD
Mike Harrington, ED-W
Tom Helms, ED-S
Daryl Lund, ED-NC
Terry Nipp, AESOP

Working Documents:

[NRSP Task Force Listserve]

Purpose: To develop a strategic management plan for the NRSP program including original intent of the program; current activities; identification of new priorities; review, renewal, or termination of NRSPs; and phase out of "off-the-top" funding and/or transition to other funding authorities.
[Appointed 3/25/02 / Dissolved 12/02 with ESCOP's acceptance of report.]

Participating Members:
MRC regional chairs:
Nancy Cox, SAAESD (KY)
Gary Lemme, NCRA (MI)
Vicki McCracken, WAAESD (WA)
Alfred Parks, ARD (PV-TX)
Bob Seem, NERA (NYG)
Other Directors:
Dan Rossi (NJ)
Lee Sommers (CO)
Bill Trumble (NH)
Eric Young (NC)
Executive Directors:
Sam Donald, ED-ARD
Mike Harrington, ED-WAAESD
Tom Helms, ED-SAAESD
Daryl Lund, ED-NCRA
David MacKenzie, ED-NERA
Gary Cunningham
Preston Jones
Sally Maggard
Larry Miller
Richard Wootton

Working Documents: NRSP Task Force Report [Posted 09-16-02]

ESCOP Ad Hoc Committee on Committees
[Initiated 7/02; reported findings 9/02]

Purpose: Provide an assessment of and make recommendations regarding the appropriateness of the current ESCOP committee alignment, structure, and charge with special consideration given to current and future functioning of ESCOP and synchrony with the new structure of the Board on Agriculture Assembly, its Policy Board and its Budget and Advocacy Committee.

Chair: Scott Angle, MD

Participating Members:
David MacKenzie, Vice Chair
Jim Fischer, Communication and Marketing
Richard Jones, Budget and Legislative
Randy Woodson, Science and Technology
D. C. Coston, Partnership
Eric Young, Planning
Colin Kaltenbach, ESCOP representative to the BAA-PB
Fred Cholik
Dick Wootton
Executive Directors Donald, Harrington, Helms, and Lund

* Denotes Technical Committee.
**Denotes Cooperating Committee.

ESCOP Homepage
