ESCOP Officers and Subcommittees

Officers of ESCOP and the Experiment Station Section
ESCOP Executive Subcommittee
ESCOP Chair's Advisory Subcommittee
ESCOP Legislative Subcommittee
ESCOP Strategic Planning Subcommittee
ESCOP FY 1999 and 2000 Budget Development Subcommittee
ESCOP Nominations Subcommittee
ESCOP Resolutions Subcommittee
ESCOP-ACOP Leadership Development Subcommittee
ESCOP Genetic Resources Subcommittee
ESCOP Human Nutrition Subcommittee
ESCOP Pest Management Strategies Subcommittee
ESCOP Social Sciences Subcommittee
ESCOP Environmental Affairs Subcommittee
Joint ESCOP-ECOP Task Force on Image Enhancement
ESCOP Regional Research Partnership Subcommittee

Officers of ESCOP and the Experiment Station Section

Experiment Station Committee on Organization and Policy is the executive or operating body of the Experiment Station Section, Board on Agriculture, NASULGC, and handles continuing business, organization, and policy issues on behalf of the state agricultural experiment station directors. Full ESCOP meetings are usually scheduled in February or March (in Washington, DC) and in July or August.

Chair: Daniel Rossi (NJ)

ESCOP Archived Documents
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ESCOP Executive Subcommittee
To conduct ESCOP business between regular ESCOP meetings. The ESCOP Executive Committee meets in April or May in Washington, DC and in November, in conjunction with NASULGC.

Chair: D. Rossi (NJ)
Chair-Elect: D. Nelson (NE)
Executive Vice-Chair: D. MacKenzie (NE-ED)

Participating Members:

Other Usual Invitees: Write to the Executive Subcommittee

Agenda Briefs & Annual Reports
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ESCOP Chair's Advisory Subcommittee
To meet at the request of the ESCOP Chair.

Chair: D. Rossi (NJ)

Participating Members:

Write to the Chair's Advisory Subcommittee

Agenda Briefs & Annual Reports
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ESCOP Legislative Subcommittee
To represent ESCOP in interactions with USDA, OMB, Congress, and other federal agencies concerning proposed legislation or changes in legislation having impact on agricultural research. The Chair of this Subcommittee is a member of the Legislative Subcommittee of the Board on Agriculture, NASULGC.

Chair: Gary L. Cunningham (NM)

Participating Members:

Write to the Legislative Subcommittee

Agenda Briefs & Annual Reports
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ESCOP Strategic Planning Subcommittee
To maintain the ESCOP Strategic Plan, identify national research priorities, and coordinate strategic planning with other research planning groups, particularly in USDA and NASULGC.

Chair: David R. MacKenzie (ED-NE)

Participating Members:

Write to the Strategic Planning Subcommittee

Agenda Briefs & Annual Reports
Draft: Medium Term Strategic Plan (1998-2002)
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ESCOP FY 1999 and 2000 Budget Development Subcommittee
To develop annual federal funding proposals for the SAESs; using the products of the ESCOP Strategic Plan as a point of reference. To justify the proposals for use with Congress, OMB, USDA, and others. The chair of the subcommittee represents ESCOP as a voting member of the Board on Agriculture Budget Committee.

Chair: Thomas L. Payne (OH)
Executive Vice Chair: Richard L. Lower (WI)

Representatives from Regional Associations:

Other NASULGC Members: Write to the FY 1999 and 2000 Budget Development Subcommittee

Agenda Briefs & Annual Reports
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ESCOP Nominations Subcommittee
To prepare nominations for officers of the Section and of ESCOP (normally the same except that ESCOP operates without a secretary).

Chair: C.C. Kaltenbach (AZ)

Participating Members:

Write to the Nominations Subcommittee

Agenda Briefs & Annual Reports
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ESCOP Resolutions Subcommittee
To prepare and introduce ESCOP and Section resolutions.

Chair: D.C. Coston (OK)

Participating Members:

Write to the Resolutions Subcommittee

Agenda Briefs & Annual Reports
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ESCOP-ACOP Leadership Development Subcommittee
To conduct leadership development programs directed at scientists in the system who have potential for, and interest in, positions of leadership in the SAESs and resident instruction system. This subcommittee also maintains liasion with other leadership development program in the system.

Chair: V.A. McCracken (WA)

Participating Members:

Write to the Leadership Development Subcommittee

Agenda Briefs & Annual Reports
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Genetic Resource Subcommittee*
To represent the SAES in the area of genetic resources of all life forms with appropriate agencies and associations; to identify opportunities and problems associated with germplasm and genome research; to develop recommendations on policy and procedures that enhance coordination between SAESs and federal agencies to participate and provide leadership in catalog and retrieval systems.

Chair: Richard L. Lower (ED-NC)

Participating Members:

Write to the Genetic Resources Subcommittee

Agenda Briefs & Annual Reports
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ESCOP Human Nutrition Subcommittee*
To identify emerging opportunities and problems related to human nutrition research and to develop recommendations on policy, procedures, and methods to enhance cooperation and coordination between the SAESs and USDA and other federal agencies.

Chair: Robert D. Steele (PA)

Participating Members:

Write to the Human Nutrition Subcommittee

Agenda Briefs & Annual Reports
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ESCOP Pest Management Strategies Subcommittee*
To identify and evaluate activities required to improve current management research programs that are environmentally, economically, and socially acceptable; to coordinate interaction between various ESCOP ad hoc committees and the Pest Management Strategies Working Groups; to represent ESCOP by interacting with federal agencies, privates organizations, and other state organizations; and to serve as a resource in recommending to ESCOP pest management intiatives and budget initiatives for enhancing pest management research programs.

Chair: Eldon E. Ortman (IN)

Participating Members:

Working Groups: Write to the Pest Management Strategies Subcommittee

Agenda Briefs & Annual Reports
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ESCOP Social Sciences Subcommittee* Terminates 1998
To provide recommendations to ESCOP on social sciences research opportunities and needs, recommend strategies for enhancing involvement of social sciences in interdisciplinary research, facilitate definition of the ESCOP research agenda with enviromental and consumer interests and develop recommendations to the Strategic Planning Subcommittee and the FY 1996 and 1997 Budget Subcommittees on these subjects.

Chair: Louis E. Swanson (KY)

Participating Members:

Write to the Social Sciences Subcommittee

Agenda Briefs & Annual Reports
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ESCOP Environmental Affairs Subcommittee* Terminates 1998
To develop and maintain a broad liaison with agencies of federal government dealing with environmental research and related issues; to ensure an ongoing cooperation with the USDA research and development and action agencies in environmental affairs; to develop recommendations for policy statements, budget proposals and planning initiatives for other parts of the ESCOP structure.

Chair: Gerald F. Arkin (GA)

Participating Members:

USDA Counterparts: Write to the Environmental Affairs Subcommittee

Agenda Briefs & Annual Reports
SAES/USDA-CSREES National Environmental Initiative (SUNEI)
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Joint ESCOP-ECOP Task Force on Image Enhancement**
To develop and implement methods that more effectively communicate with the various publics involved benefitting either directly or indirectly from the results of Experiment Station and Extension activities; to maintain a data base of relevant issue and outcome related information that can be effectively used in the advocacy of programs.

Co-Chair, ESCOP: Ronald Pardini (NV)
Co-Chair, ECOP: David Foster

Participating Members:

Write to the Task Force on Image Enhancement

Agenda Briefs & Annual Reports
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Regional Research Partnership Subcommittee**
In conjunction with the federal partner a) maintain current reference documents regarding procedures and policies for regional research; b) make recommendations to ESCOP concerning the regional research portfolio relative to priorities; c) coordinate the review and approval process for National Research Support Projects (NRSP's) and National Research Projects (NRP's); d) make recommendations to ESCOP relative to policies needed to enhance regional research; and e) pursue mechanisms and make recommendations relative to increasing the efficiency, visibility, and opportunities for regional research management.

Chair: R.D. Heil (ED-W)

Participating Members:

Write to the Regional Research Partnership Subcommittee

Agenda Briefs & Annual Reports
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*Denotes Technical Subcommittee.
**Denotes Cooperating Committee.

ESCOP Homepage

This page was last updated on September 18, 1997.