Virtual Notebook - Volume 3. December 8, 2004

Virtual Notebook - Volume 3

New Dean/Director/Administrator
and National Program Leader Orientation

December 8-10, 2004

Washington, DC

Administrators/Leaders - Faculty: Divergent Roles - David Hardesty, Jr.
Everyone at the Table - W. Reg Gomes
Understanding NASULGC - Mortimer H. Neufville
BAA Policy Board of Directors - Kirklyn M. Kerr
Being Involved - Daryl Lund
The Art and Science of Administration - Charles Laughlin
The Challenges of Sitting at the Top - Eric Hoilberg - Moderator
Federal Budget Process - Christina Buch
The Importance of the Farm Bill - Jeffrey Armstrong
How Land-Grants Influence the Budget
Larry LaRocco
Fred Cholick
The Role of CARET - Charles "Buck" Vandersteen
Is the Land-Grant Mission Changing? - Rodney Brown
An Overview of the CSREES Strategic Plan and Accountability Standards - Colien Hefferan
Introduction of CSREES Executive Staff - Colien Hefferan
Getting Money! - Mike Harrington, Moderator
Fundraising - Nancy Bull
Coaching Faculty re. Grantsmanship - Mike Harrington
Overview of USDA/CSREES Competitive Programs - Anna Palmissano
CSREES Grant Opportunities
The competitive advantage of small & minority-serving institutions - Mark Poth
Tips for success with Integrated Competitive Programs - Deborah Sheely
What's new in the NRI? - Chavonda Jacobs-Young


December 8, 2004

Welcome and Introductions - D. C. Coston, ESCOP Chair
B&L Committee - Daryl Lund, Executive Director, NCRA
Communications and Marketing - Jerry Arkin, Associate Director, Resident Director, Griffin Station, University of Georgia
S&T Committee - Nancy Cox, Associate Dean for Research; Associate Director, University of Kentucky
Planning Committee - LeRoy Daugherty, Associate Dean & Associate Director, New Mexico State University
Partnership Working Group - H. Michael Harrington, Executive Director, WAAESD

BAA PBD - Role, function and relationship to the family - H. Michael Harrington, ESCOP staff liaison to the PBD
Experiences of a Director in Action
D. C. Coston, Director Oklahoma State University
Al Parks, Prairie View A&M
Bill Trumble, Dean and Director New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station
  • Clientele groups
  • Legislators and Congressional Staff
  • Internal Politics of University Life
  • State Funding Initiatives
  • Commodity Group Relationships
MRF, Reporting Requirements and Timing


December 8-10, 2004

Leading Change Without Creating a Mutiny -Jack Britt, Executive Vice President University of Tennessee
How to Assemble your Leadership Team - Cameron Hackney, Dean and Director, West Virginia University
Surviving in an Administrative Position in Times of Institutional Change - Tom Fretz, Executive Director, NERA
The Federal Budgeting Process - Christina Buch, Budget Director, UDSA/CSREES
The Importance of the Farm Bill - Jeff Armstrong, Dean, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Michigan State University
How the Land Grants Influence the Budget Larry LaRocco President, Fleishman-Hillard Government Relations
Fred A. Cholick, Dean of Agriculture/Director, AES & CES, Kansas State University
Is the Land-Grant Mission Changing? - Rodney J. Brown, USDA Deputy Under Secretary REE
Overview of the SAES and the Regional Associations - M. Harrington Executive Director, Western Association of Agricultural Experiment Station Directors
Private Fundraising - Tom Fretz and Cameron Hackney
State and Federal Advocacy: Stating the Value of the College
Daryl B. Lund and Victor L. Lechtenberg, Vice Provost-Engagement, Purdue University
Managing an Integrated Mission - Gale A. Buchanan, Dean College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences and Director AES and CES
Plotting your Next Step - What is your Exit Strategy and Philosophy of Administration: - Jack H Britt, Executive Vice President, University of Tennessee and Roy Arnold, Provost Emeritus, Oregon State University
Working with the university's Central Administration: resources, law suits, land issues (everybody wants a piece of your farm - who owns it), proving worth of the college in tight budget times (student credit hours, student numbers, research and overhead): Roy Arnold and Cameron Hackney
Professional Development as an Administrator and Keeping Current in Your Discipline. Fred Cholick
Importance of working nationally (family issues) - AHS, BOA, NASULGC, CARET, etc Gale A. Buchanan, Dean College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences and Director AES and CES and Charles Buck A. Vandersteen, Chair, Council on Agricultural Research, Extension, and Teaching