ESCOP Publication Procedures

ESCOP Publication Procedure
Approval, Review and Distribution

Approval and Review Procedures

Proposals to prepare publications either printed (hard copy) or electronic by ESCOP, its committees, or any special group representing ESCOP, should be submitted to the chair of ESCOP and be approved by ESCOP in advance of preparation. Requests for USDA funding for the preparation of special publications or proceedings from states, regions, committees of ESCOP, or the full membership ESCOP should be submitted to the chair of ESCOP, approved in advance by ESCOP, and submitted by the chair of ESCOP to the administrator of NIFA or other administrator, if appropriate.

Publication guidelines should be considered in the early stages of preparation of ESCOP reports, especially those intended to impact policy makers in the Executive Branch or in Congress.

Drafts of ESCOP publications will be submitted to the chair of the Planning Committee (acting as a clearing house) for review. The chair of the Planning Committee will ask for an appropriate group to review the document with respect to its utility for the intended audience. Reviewers may include congressional staffers or other potential users, if appropriate. Reviews will be conducted in a timely manner.

Format Requirements:

Back of the Title Page or Second Electronic Page


Distribution of Publications will be by electronic means except where printed copy is the only form accepted by the requester. Distribution of publications to the National Agricultural Library (NAL) will be by direct notice to the Head, Gift and Exchange Program, NAL. The notification will include the publication title and location/access information, e.g., server address, URL, etc. The NAL will catalog (or index) the publications which will become part of the AGRICOLA data base and other electronic data bases, as they deem appropriate. Notice of the publication should also be sent to the following: