Experiment Station Section Annual Meeting Minutes

Sheraton Society Hill Hotel, Philadelphia, PA
September 17, 2007
10:30 AM - 5:30 PM


Agenda #

Actions Taken


Approved Agenda posted at http://www.nera.umd.edu/2007ESSMeeting/2007ESSAgenda.htm

Approved 2006 ESS Minutes posted at http://www.nera.umd.edu/2007ESSMeeting/2006ESSmin.htm


Approved the proposed changes to the NRSP Guidelines – click here for Revised NRSP Guidelines, Sept. 2007


Approved the creation of a Task Force consisting of representatives from ESS, ES, CSREES, and academic programs with a charge of developing a model for equitably sharing the responsibility for funding CIS among the land-grant partners. This task force should present recommendations to the 2008 regional spring meetings for implementation in the FY09 budget.


Approved a one-year extension for NRSP-1 to September 30, 2010.


Approved the NRSP Off-the-Top funding requests for FY08 with the revisions for NRSP-6 and NRSP-7, as follows:

NRSP-1           $337,574

NRSP-3           $61,000

NRSP-4           $481,182

NRSP-5           $146,000

NRSP-6           $150,000

NRSP-7           $325,000

NRSP-8           $400,000


Approved the Multistate Awards Program


Approved the Nomination Committee recommendation for Dr. Steven Pueppke to be the 2008 Chair-Elect for ESCOP.


Approved all Resolutions




Agenda #

Agenda Item - Notes


Call to order – Ron Pardini (Chair)


Welcome to Philadelphia, PA
Dr. Bruce McPheron, Director, Pennsylvania Agricultural Experiment Station and Incoming ESCOP Chair


Approval of Agenda and 2006 ESS Draft Minutes – Ron Pardini

2006 ESS Minutes posted at http://www.nera.umd.edu/2007ESSMeeting/2006ESSmin.htm

Interim Actions


CSREES Update – Colien Hefferan


NASULGC Update – Ian Maw


BAA-Policy Board of Directors Update – Nancy Cox


Better Invention Reporting to Better Document CSREES-Funded Results – Bob MacDonald


Advocacy Update – Hunt Shipman


NRSP Review Committee Report - Lee Sommers

NRSP Review Committee Recommendations – PowerPoint Presentation in PDF

·        Changes to NRSP Guidelines

1.      Change from 2/3 to simple majority to overturn recommendation

2.      Increase SAES terms from 3 to 4 years

3.      Chair rotates and selected by Committee

4.      Update guidelines to match current processes

The motion made to approve the proposed changes was seconded and passed.


·        NRSP Review Committee recommends to ESCOP that a task force be created consisting of representatives from ESS, ES, CSREES, and academic programs with a charge of developing a model for equitably sharing the responsibility for funding CIS among the land-grant partners. This task force should present recommendations to the 2008 regional spring meetings for implementation in the FY09 budget.

The motion made to approve this recommendation was seconded and passed.


·        A motion was made to extend NRSP-1 for one year to give the Task Force time to review the multistate project and to implement their recommendations.  The motion was seconded and approved.  The new termination date will be Sept. 30, 2010.


·        NRSP Off-the-Top Funding Recommendations by the NRSP Review Committee:

NRSP-1           $337,574

NRSP-3             $61,000

NRSP-4           $481,182

NRSP-5           $146,000

NRSP-6           $110,000

NRSP-7                       0

NRSP-8           $400,000

There was discussion on the recommendations for NRSP-6 and NRSP-7.  Drastically reducing funding for NRSP-6 will affect its ability to continue its operation.  The regional advisors recommend returning the funding to the FY06 level of $150,000.

Last year, the directors approved an assessment for NRSP-7 to allow the project to continue.  This year, NRSP-7 which was funded via earmark in the past is still not included in the President’s budget.  There is risk in losing funding and hence, the advisors recommend an off-the-top funding for FY08 of $325,000.


NRSP Off-the-Top Funding Requests Voting Results – Lee Sommers

Voting results as reported by Dr. Lee Sommers for the original recommendations are as follows:

                                                         YES Votes          

NRSP-1           $337,574             94%      

NRSP-3             $61,000             90%        

NRSP-4           $481,182             96%          

NRSP-5           $146,000             92%        

NRSP-6           $110,000             26%        

NRSP-7                       0             32%       

NRSP-8           $400,000             96%         

The NRSP recommendations for NRSP-6 and NRSP-7 were revised and a new vote conducted. 

The results were reported by Dr. Lee Sommers as follows:

                                                         YES Votes

NRSP-6           $150,000             85%        

NRSP-7           $325,000             83%


NRI Programs Setting Priorities - Anna Palmisano


Multistate Awards Program – Mike Harrington


National Commission on Industrial Farm Animal Production ((http://www.ncifap.org/) – John Lawrence


Communication and Marketing Committee – Jerry Arkin/Arlen Leholm

The following actions will occur after the ESCOP meeting:

  • ECOP will discuss collaborating and partnering with ESCOP in this educational initiative at their October 2007 meeting. Initial participation by CES would not require a financial contribution. However, future CES contributions would be expected for full participation.
  • There will be a live webcast.
  • An electronic ballot will be sent out for approving an assessment of $300,000 for the public relations and advocacy efforts in both 2009 and 2010. This electronic vote will also include the use of funds currently in the ESS accounts of NASULGC to cover the public relations efforts for the first half year beginning January 2008. ($25,000 of the ESS accounts at NASULGC will be reserved for other efforts. Pending an audit by NASULGC of the ESS accounts, approximately $75000 to $80,000 would be available in the first year.) The assessment would be conducted nationally of all Experiment Stations based proportionately on the level of formula funds monies.


Nominations Committee Report – Al Parks

A motion was made to approve the Nomination Committee recommendation for Dr. Steven Pueppke to be the 2008 Chair-Elect for ESCOP. 

The motion was seconded and passed.


Resolutions Committee Report – Greg Bohach

Dr. Greg Bohach read all the resolutions.  The motion made to approve all the resolutions were seconded and passed.


Final Remarks, Announcements, Changing of the Guard – Ron Pardini


Dr. Ron Pardini thanked the members and the Executive Directors for their support specially Dr. Mike Harrington.

Among his accomplishments were:

  • increased visibility of multistate projects
  • impact writing has been established
  • review of the Ag. Exhibit on the Hill
  • marketing and public relations proposal [Thanks to Jerry Arkin and Arlen Leholm for their committee’s dedication to this effort.]


Dr. Ron Pardini handed over the chairmanship to Dr. Bruce McPheron and thanked Dr. McPheron for putting together the program.


Dr. Bruce McPheron outlined his goals for ESCOP:

  • strengthen the partnership with CSREES
  • work with other COPs and attend their meetings
  • focus on action items at business meetings to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of ESCOP and ESS meetings
  • set the agenda and challenge the committees and sub-committees to work on –
    • enhancing the visibility of the SAES system through the implementation of the marketing and public relations plan [Communication and Marketing Committee].
    • increase relevancy of the NRI (aligning NRI and SAES priorities) [Science & Tech. Committee]
    • align Science Roadmap goals and objectives with stakeholder needs (initiate joint strategic planning effort) [Science & Tech. Committee]
    • increase emphasis on urban/metro agenda (get urban-serving institutions more involved) [Social Sciences Subcommittee]
    • change in reporting system – how to continue to consolidate and communicate our successes


Next year’s meeting will be in Michigan.


Dr. McPheron thanked everyone and adjourned the meeting at 5:30pm.




Agenda Briefs Only [For information only]


Budget and Legislative Committee – LeRoy Daugherty/Mike Harrington


National Plant Germplasm Coordinating Committee – Lee Sommers


Science and Technology Committee – Steve Pueppke/Dan Rossi


Social Sciences Sub-Committee – Cornelia Flora


IPM Strategies Sub-Committee – Frank Zalom


Extension Liaison Report – Elbert Dickey


CARET Liaison Report – Abbott Lee


NIMSS Oversight Committee Report – Eric Young