Experiment Station Section Meeting


Thursday, September 28, 2005

(replaced meeting in San Antonio, TX due to hurricane)




Action Items


Agenda Item 1: Approval of agenda, ESS meeting minutes (September 27, 2004, Oklahoma City, OK), and Interim Actions - Agenda was approved and 2004 ESS Meeting Minutes were approved. Chair’s interim action approved.
Agenda Item 2: NRSP Review Committee Recommendations and Vote - Approved all NRSP proposals and budgets as they were presented
Agenda Item 3: Proposed Changes to ESS Rules of Operation - Approved revisions to the ESS Rules of Operation
Agenda Item 4: Proposed Support for LGU Seminars - Approved an additional $5000 for each of the two LGU seminars.
Agenda Item 15: Nominations Committee Report - Approved Ron Pardini, University of Nevada-Reno, as ESCOP chair-elect
Agenda Item 16: Resolutions Committee Report - Approved all Resolutions



Agenda #
Agenda Item - Presenter
  Call to Order and Welcome - D.C. Coston
Approval of agenda, ESS meeting minutes (September 27, 2004, Oklahoma City, OK), and Interim Actions - DC Coston
NRSP Review Committee Recommendations and Vote - Gary Lemme
Proposed Changes to ESS Rules of Operation - D.C. Coston
Proposed Support for LGU Seminars - D.C. Coston
CSREES Update - Gary Cunningham
BAA-Policy Board of Directors Update - Mike Harrington
ESCOP Budget & Legislative Committee - LeRoy Daugherty
ESCOP Communication & Marketing Committee - Jerry Arkin
ESCOP Science & Technology Committee - Steve Puppeke
NRSP Voting Results - Gary Lemme


Germplasm Task Force Report - Tom Fretz
Formula Funds Task Force Report - Wendy Wintersteen
National Animal Germplasm Program - Harvey Blackburn


NIMSS User Survey Preliminary Results - Nikki Nelson
Nominations Committee Report - Lee Sommers
Resolutions Committee Report - Marshall Martin
Final Remarks and Passing Gavel to the New ESCOP Chair - D.C. Coston



Agenda Item 1.
Approval of Agenda, Meeting Minutes and Interim Actions


Presenter: D.C. Coston


Approval of Agenda, September 27, 2004, Oklahoma City, OK Meeting Minutes and Interim Actions

Interim Actions:

Action Requested: Approval of agenda, minutes, and interim actions.

Action Taken: Agenda was approved and 2004 ESS Meeting Minutes were approved. Chair’s interim action approved.



Agenda Item 2.
NRSP Review Committee Recommendations and Vote


Presenter: Gary Lemme


Click here for the NRSP Review Committees final recommendations PowerPoint. It includes the voting actions and a description of the process.


Action Requested: Vote on all NRSP Proposals and/or Budgets.

Action Taken: Approved all NRSP proposals and budgets as they were presented. The final FY06 numbers for the NRSPs are:

NRSP1: $306,916
NRSP3: $84,000
NRSP4: $481,182
NRSP5: $146,000
NRSP6: $150,000 (new proposal approved as well)
NRSP8: $400,000

The ESS will vote again on the FY07 OTT funding next September. The Western Region will handle all NRSP duties next year.

Agenda Item 3.
Proposed Changes to ESS Rules of Operation


Presenter: D.C. Coston


The following two motions to amend the ESS Rules of Operation were emailed to all ESS members on August 16.

1. Elimination of the ESCOP Planning Committee

"ESCOP moves to eliminate the Planning Committee as a core committee of ESCOP and to amend the ESS Rules of Operation by deleting the section under Article VII entitled Planning Committee and any other reference to that committee in the document."

This motion was approved by ESCOP at its meeting in July. The Planning Committee's primary charge has become redundant because the Partnership Working Group is facilitating long-range planning and futuring jointly for all COPs and the ESCOP Budget & Legislative Committee is coordinating planning for budget and legislative initiatives.

2. Elimination of the ESCOP-ACOP Leadership Development Subcommittee

"ESCOP moves to eliminate the ESCOP-ACOP Leadership Development Subcommittee as a subcommittee of ESCOP and to amend the ESS Rules of Operation by deleting the paragraph under Article VII that begins "ESCOP-ACOP Leadership Development Subcommittee...."

This subcommittee is no longer functioning because the new leadership program, LEAD 21, has replaced the ESCOP-ACOP program and is managed by a Board of Directors with ESS representation.

These two motions will be brought to the floor for discussion and will require a yes-vote by 2/3 of the voting members present for approval.


Action Requested: Approval of the two motions.

Action Taken: Approved revisions to the ESS Rules of Operation

Agenda Item 4.
Proposed Support for LGU Seminars


Presenter: D.C. Coston


Fleishman-Hillard Government Relations (FHGR) - the lead firm in the advocacy effort - has been working with the BAC, deans, directors, experiment station and extension leaders, and others to develop a semiannual seminar series. The objective of these seminars and their outputs is to provide much needed visibility and outreach for the Land Grant university system.

This seminar series, entitled: The Land-Grant University System-Leading the Way on Critical Issues, is outlined in the attached prospectus. As detailed therein, the first two seminars are planned for Milwaukee in October 2005 and Salt Lake City in early 2006. The seminars were discussed by ESCOP at its summer meeting. The seminars were endorsed and the ESCOP Chair was authorized to spend up to $5000 for support of each of the two seminars currently planned.

Since FHGR has requested a total of $10,000 support for each seminar, ESCOP also agreed to request that ESS approve an additional $5,000 for each of the two seminars planned.

Action Requested: Approval of an additional $5000 for each of the two LGU seminars currently planned.

Action Taken: Approved an additional $5000 for each of the two LGU seminars.


Agenda Item 5.

Presenter: Gary Cunningham




Action Requested:

Agenda Item 6.
BAA-Policy Board of Directors Update


Presenter: Mike Harrington


Actions taken at the BAA-PBD meeting July 25, 2004

Website http://www.nasulgc.org/CFERR/board_on_agric/board_on_agric.htm

New members:
Fred Cholick- Chair-elect
Nancy Cox - ESS representative

Elections: Academic Programs, Extension Section, 1890 Institutions, Non Land Grant Institutions


Action Requested: None, for information only.

Agenda Item 7.
ESCOP Budget & Legislative Committee


Presenter: LeRoy Daugherty


The following information from Fred H. Hutchison of Fleishman Hillard Government Relations serves as information for the ESCOP Budget and Legislative Committee report. The Senate and House actions on appropriations to date are shown in the attached tables.

The Senate Agriculture Appropriations Subcommittee sent its spending bill for F.Y. 2006 on to the full Senate Appropriations Committee for consideration. This measure contains funding for programs administered by the USDA's Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service (CSREES). Highlights of the Senate action are described below:

Highlights of Senate Bill
With few exceptions, CSREES line items in F.Y. 2006 would be funded at their F.Y. 2005 levels. The exceptions are set forth in the following table:

Research & Education Line Items
F.Y. 2005
Senate Mark
Special Research Grants
National Research Initiative
Alternative Crops
Resident Instruction and Distance Ed. Grants
Agrosecurity Education
Federal Administration
Extension Line Items
1890 Institutions Extension
Expanded Food & Nutrition Ed. Program
New Technologies for Ag Extension (eXtension)
Federal Administration and Special Grants
Integrated Activities Line Item
Food and Agriculture Defense Initiative


The Senate, like the House of Representatives, has rejected the proposal in the President's F.Y. 2006 Budget Request to reduce by 50 percent funding for the Hatch and McIntire-Stennis formula fund programs and to eliminate funding for the Animal Health & Disease program.

With respect to the President's proposal to transfer Sec. 406 line items to the National Research Initiative (NRI), the Senate did not concur with the House. The Senate has rejected the consolidation of the Sec. 406 funding lines within the NRI.

The Senate, even in this tight budgetary year, was able to make modest increases to several of the line items singled out by the Budget and Advocacy Committee of NASULGC's Board on Agriculture Assembly for "priority attention." These line items included: (1) the NRI; (2) Agrosecurity Education; (3) EFNEP; (4) eXtension; and (5) the Food and Agriculture Defense Initiative. In addition, the Senate made increases to two other programs of importance to the 1890 Institutions: (1) Evans-Allen; and (2) 1890s Extension.

The only item on the BAC's "priority attention" list to receive a decrease under the Senate mark was the Resident Instruction and Distance Education Grants line item for the land-grants in the U.S. territories. However, the House did agree to continue funding for this important program at last year's level of $500,000 and we will continue to fight hard for this line item when the House and Senate meet to reconcile differences between the two versions of the Ag Appropriations bill.


Action Requested: For information only

Agenda Item 8.

ESCOP Communication & Marketing Committee

Presenter: Jerry Arkin


The ESCOP Communication and Marketing Committee last met face-to-face on May 10 in Washington, DC. Recent completed actions of the committee included the following:
Formula for Success:

ESCOP/ECOP Task Force on Formula Funds - White Papers:

The Committee after much discussion agreed to submit via letter to the Chair of ESCOP with the following recommendations:


Action Requested: For information only

Agenda Item 9.
ESCOP Science & Technology Committee


Presenter: Steve Puppeke


The ESCOP Science and Technology Committee met in Cincinnati on May 10 - 11, 2005 and again by conference call on September 7. The committee has worked on the following items in 2005.

1. Science Roadmap for Agriculture Survey
A survey was done during fall 2004 to determine current priorities and needs relative to the challenge areas and objectives outlined in "A Science Roadmap for Agriculture" published in 2001. Bruce Gage (University of Kentucky), who designed and conducted the survey, has produced a report that summarizes the survey results and analysis. Click here for a PDF copy of his final survey report.

The S&T Committee and ESCOP feel strongly that the Roadmap should be a dynamic document and reviewed periodically for potential revisions to the challenge areas and/or objectives. Based on the survey results, the S&T Committee offers the attached recommendations for modification of the challenges and objectives. These recommendations are being presented to the ESS for adoption.

2. Genetics Subcommittee
Discussion focused on whether or not S&T should continue to have a subcommittee in one or more areas related to genomics, genetics, breeding, etc. Other national-level groups that will be engaged in related areas are the recently established National Plant Germplasm Coordinating Committee, which will cover germplasm collection, preservation, distribution, and research, and a new multistate coordinating committee on plant breeding being developed under S_temp1162.
S&T is contacting these two groups for more details on their potential agendas and has deferred a decision on establishing a S&T subcommittee until that information is available.

3. Food Safety Subcommittee
The S&T Committee voted unanimously to terminate this subcommittee because it has been inactive for over three years and this area is well covered by various centers and multistate projects.

4. Next S&T Committee meeting will be in late March or early April of 2006.


Action Requested: Approval of the committee's recommendations for modification of The Science Roadmap for Agriculture's challenge areas and objectives.


Agenda Item 10.
NRSP Voting Results


Presenter: Gary Lemme




Agenda Item 11.
Germplasm Task Force Report


Presenter: Tom Fretz


The ESCOP Plant Germplasm Task Force appointed by Dr. D. C. Coston in September 2004 completed its activities in May 2005 with the submission of its report to the ESCOP Executive Committee.

ESCOP requested that the task force help map the SAES's future involvement with the National Plant Germplasm System, including programmatic involvement, administrative structures and financial support.

The task force made the following recommendations:

1. Establish in conjunction with ARS and CSREES, a National Plant Germplasm Coordinating Committee (NPGCC) reporting jointly to the SAES directors via ESCOP in addition to the administrators of ARS and CSREES. The coordinating committee should take responsibility for reviewing and setting national scientific and service priorities related to the role of germplasm in promoting the economic health and security of the agricultural system.

2. The NPGCC should take responsibility for developing materials to promote the value of these collections to the Nation's ability to maintain an economically viable agricultural system in the face of increasing international competition.

Following a presentation of the task force report to the ESCOP Executive Committee at the Joint COPs meeting in Kansas City, July 26th, it was agreed that we initiate the National Plant Germplasm Coordinating Committee, with three appointees each from ARS, CSREES and ESCOP. This task has been completed and the NPGCC established with the following members;

Dr. Peter Bretting, ARS
Dr. Candice Gardner, ARS
Dr. Dwayne Buxton. ARS
Dr. Lee Sommers, SAES, Colorado State Univ.
Dr. Gerald Arkin, SAES, University of Georgia
Dr. Ken Grafton, SAES, North Dakota State Univ.
Dr. Ann Marie Thro, CSREES
Dr. Ed Kaleikau, CSREES
Dr. P. S. Benepal, CSREES
Dr. Tom Fretz, NERA (Staffing)

The Coordinating Committee met for the first time via conference call on Thursday September 15, 2005, with the expressed purpose of establishing goals, short and long-term priorities, and developing organizational guidelines.


Action Requested:

1. Acceptance of the ESCOP Plant Germplasm Task Force report
2. Concurrence with the establishment of a joint SAES, ARS and CSREES National Plant Germplasm Coordinating Committee

Agenda Item 12.
Formula Funds Task Force Report


Presenter: Wendy Wintersteen


The ECOP/ESCOP Formula Fund Task Force met face-to face at a meeting in Washington, DC, June 2-3, 2005 and had the opportunity to visit with several individuals with different points of view on the current and pending budget process and outcomes. Discussions were held with Drs. Colien Hefferan, and Joe Jen, CSREES and Fitzhugh Elder, staff of the Senate Agriculture Appropriations Committee. In addition, the Task Force discussed strategies with Dr. Mort Neufville, Fred Hutchison, Steve Gunderson, Legislative Strategist with Graystone Inc., and former Member of Congress and Liz LaPolt, Government Relations, Oregon State University. Additionally, the task force continues to meet monthly via conference call to further develop its ideas and thoughts that are to be presented as input to ESCOP, ECOP and the PBD/Think Tank process.

In our discussions it became clear that as a system we need to communicate better especially within our own system if we are to effectively lobby for those issues we judge important. If we really want change, it is suggested that we invest a considerable amount of time and effort on internal communications (up to 80%) to achieve successful outcomes. This becomes critical when we understand that communications today have moved as a consequence of the computer to a very personal level, and are concentrated on a people-to-people communication as contrasted to communication between organizations, agencies and nations. (Suggested reference: "The World is Flat" by Thomas L. Friedman /Farrar, Straus and Giroux)

As we move toward making our arguments and building our strategies, as a system we need to be mindful of the following: If we remove the Federal formula base with which we operate, we will see more earmarks. We should be prepared to accept increasing earmarks as the likely outcome / consequence of any elimination of Federal formula funds or shifting to competitive programs. We also need to understand that the more we think about research, the more we focus on specialization. It is important to understand that we do not think about or reward the generalist today. Federal formula funds have enabled us to create and maintain a system of experts, e.g., the infrastructure that can address time sensitive matters in a rapid fashion. That said, we would remain competitive in the future only if we have a foundation built of excellence and expertise.

Communications with Congress

Our communications with Congress must be composed of simple and straightforward messages, remembering that all politics are local. Our challenge will be to provide and promote the outcomes of our system from the formula based research enterprise otherwise we allow the administration to control the debate. Thus the bulk of our arguments needs to be local. We need to continue to make our case with our constituents. From our discussions it does not seem that the issue is about our outcomes, but rather how our outcomes are packaged.


Key Speaking Points on Formula Funds

Increasingly there are opportunities for members of our community to speak of and about Formula funds and their impacts, locally, regionally and nationally. Whenever the opportunity arises to speak about Formula funds (Hatch, McIntire-Stennis, Smith-Lever, etc) we need to keep several thoughts front and center. Several of the points discussed at our meeting are listed below, simply as reminders.

Working Drafts:





Action Requested: For information only

Agenda Item 13.
National Animal Germplasm Program


Presenter: Harvey Blackburn


Click here for the National Animal Germplasm Program PowerPoint


Action Requested: For information only

Agenda Item 14.

NIMSS User Survey Preliminary Results

Presenter: Nikki Nelson


Click here for the NIMSS User Satisfaction Survey


Agenda Item 15.
Nominations Committee Report


Presenter: Lee Sommers


Ronald S Pardini is the Associate Director of the Nevada Agricultural Experiment Station and Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.

He received a BS degree in Animal Husbandry and Agricultural Chemistry from California State Polytechnic College in 1961. He obtained a Ph.D. in 1965 in Food Science with minors in Biochemistry and Nutrition from the University of Illinois.

Dr. Pardini served two years in the US Army Medical Service Corps while stationed at Fitzsimons General Hospital in Denver, Colorado. He served as a First Lieutenant and then Captain where he became the director of the Lipid Research Branch of the U.S. Army Medical Research and Nutrition Laboratory. Following the military Dr. Pardini was a Post Doctoral Fellow of Biomedical Research at the Stanford Research Institute (SRI) and studied with Dr. Karl Folkers, then President of SRI.

Dr. Pardini joined the faculty in the Department of Biochemistry at the University of Nevada, Reno in 1968. He was promoted to Associate Professor in 1972 and Professor in 1977. From 1974-1988 Dr. Pardini Chaired the Department of Biochemistry. Dr. Pardini was honored as the distinguished alumnus of the year, School of Science and Mathematics, California State Polytechnic University in 1978.

From 1988-present he serves as the Associate Director of the Nevada Agricultural Experiment Station. As Associate Director, he represents Nevada as a member of the Western Association of Agricultural Experiment Station Directors (WAASED). He served as Secretary and Chair of WAASED and served as a member and Chair of the WAASED Research Implementation Committee (RIC). In addition, he has served on the USDA Committee of Nine, as one of the western representatives on the Experiment Station Committee on Policy (ESCOP) and on the ESCOP Executive Committee.

Dr. Pardini currently serves on the ESCOP Communications and Marketing Committee, is the ESCOP representative to the Impact Writing Committee and is Administrative Advisor to several Western Region Multi-State Research Projects and Coordinating Committees.

He has published over 150 peer reviewed research publications and abstracts of presentations at scientific meetings. His current academic interests include nutritional intervention with omega-3 fatty acids in the treatment of cancer.


Action Requested: Nomination of Ron Pardini for Chair-Elect of ESCOP.

Action Taken: Approved Ron Pardini, University of Nevada-Reno, as ESCOP chair-elect.

Agenda Item 16.
Resolutions Committee Report


Presenter: Marshall Martin




Resolution of Appreciation to Agricultural Experiment Station Administrators who left their positions and responsibilities in the 2004-2005 year.

WHEREAS, the following have served as Administrators of their respective State Agricultural Experiment Station, and

WHEREAS, they have actively participated and served in various capacities at the state, regional and national level on behalf of the Agricultural Experiment Station system, Now, therefore be it

RESOLVED that the State Experiment Station Directors at their annual meeting on September 26, 2005 recognize the contributions and service toward strengthening the State Agricultural Experiment Station System, and wish them success and happiness in all their future endeavors.

Eric Hoiberg, Iowa State University Catherine Woteki, Iowa State UniversityRandy Woodson, Purdue UniversityMargaret Dentine, University of WisconsinElton Aberle, University of WisconsinGary Lemme, South Dakota State UniversityKevin Kephart, South Dakota State UniversityDarrell Nelson, University of Nebraska

Scott Angle, University of Maryland
Daniel Joseph Decker, New York - Ithaca, Cornell AES
Max Pfeffer, New York - Ithaca, Cornell AES

D.C. Coston, Oklahoma State University
Michael Weiss, Auburn University


James J. Jacobs, University of WyomingDonald Kress, Montana State UniversityErik Fritzell, Oregon State University

Michael Heard, Lincoln University, Marjorie Campbell, Lincoln University

Action Requested: Approval

Action Taken: Approved


Resolution of appreciation for Dr. D.C. Coston

WHEREAS, Dr. D.C. Coston, Chairman of the Experiment Station Committee on Organization and Policy and Experiment Station Section, has provided selfless and committed leadership and keen oversight to enhance the system, and

WHEREAS, under Dr. Coston's leadership and support, the activities of ESCOP committees have been greatly enhanced and have achieved significant accomplishments, and

WHEREAS, Dr. Coston has provided outstanding leadership in the area of planning, and

WHEREAS, Dr. Coston has provided outstanding leadership in building relationships with ECOP, ACOP, ICOP, NASULGC, and CSREES/USDA, and

WHEREAS, Dr. Coston has been efficient and timely in the conduct of ESCOP business, therefore

LET IT BE KNOWN, that the Experiment Station Committee on Organization and Policy and the Experiment Station Section recognize Dr. Coston's invaluable contribution and service to the national agricultural research system, and

THEREFORE, on this day of September 26, 2005, the Experiment Station Section and the Experiment Station Committee on Organization and Policy resolve to extend their sincere gratitude for his commitment, service, and leadership for help in making the system more effective in addressing current and future needs, challenges and opportunities in agricultural research.

Action Requested: Approval.

Action Taken: Approved


Resolution of appreciation to the Prairie View A&M University Office of Association of Research Directors

WHEREAS, The Agricultural Experiment Station Section met in San Antonio, TX, September 25-28, 2005; and

WHEREAS, those attending were educated and stimulated by the meetings; and

WHEREAS, the location for the meeting was outstanding and the accommodations were both compatible and conducive to effective interaction resulting in a successful meeting; therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the Agricultural Experiment Station Section expresses its appreciation to Dr. Al Parks, his colleagues and staff for arranging the facilities and coordinating the meeting and ; and be it further

RESOLVED, that an original of this resolution be provided to Dr. Parks and that a copy be filed as part of the official minutes of this meeting.

Action Requested: Approval.

Action Taken: Approved


Agenda Item 17.
Final Remarks and Passing Gavel to the New ESCOP Chair


Presenter: D.C. Coston

