ESCOP Officers and Committees

[This website is updated and changed as information is available. Please visit on-line as needed rather than printing as a final document.]

The Experiment Station Committee on Organization and Policy (ESCOP) is the executive or operating body of the Experiment Station Section (ESS), Board on Agriculture (BOA) - NASULGC, and handles continuing business, organization, and policy issues on behalf of the state agricultural experiment station directors. Full ESCOP meetings are usually scheduled in February or March (in Washington, DC) and in July or August.

Officers of ESCOP and the Experiment Station Section

Chair: Richard Heimsch (ID)
Chair Elect: Scott Angle (MD)
Executive Vice Chair: Mike Harrington (ED-WAAESD)
Past Chair: McArthur Floyd (AL)
Section Representative to BAA Policy Board: Colin Kaltenbach (AZ)

The ESCOP Committee (Voting and Non-Voting Members, Representatives, Liaisons)

ESCOP Core Committees and Assigned Subcommittees:

Acronyms Used on the ESCOP website
ESCOP Membership Directory

ESCOP Homepage

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