ESCOP Executive Committee

ESCOP Executive Committee

Meeting Minutes


APLU Annual Conference
Monday, November 16, 2009
1:45 pm - 4:45 pm

Marriott Wardman Park Hotel
Washington, DC




Jerry Arkin, GA

Robbie Barney

Dave Benfield, OH

David Boethel, LA

Carolyn Brooks, ARD

Jonathan Edelson, OK

Mike Harrington, WAAESD

Giovind Kannan, GA

Jozef Kokini, IL

Colin Koltenbach, AZ

Arlen Leholm, NCRA

Mark McLellan, FL

Orlando McMeans, WV

Jonathan Pote, MS

Steve Pueppke, MI

Bill Ravlin, OH

Dan Rossi, NERA

Bob Shulstad, GA


Jose Toledo, WV

Mike Vayda, VT

Clarence Watson, OK

Jon Wraith, NH

Eric Young, SAAESD


other guests:

Roger Beachy, NIFA

Meryl Broussard, NIFA

Fred Hutchinson, Cornerstone

Molly John

Dan Kugler, NIFA

John Scofield, Podesta

Deb Shelby

Hunt Shipman, Cornerstone

Jim Turner


  Action Items


Agenda Item

Actions Taken


Approved: Minutes - Mark McLellan/David Boethel

Approved: Interim Actions – David Boethel/Mark McLellan


Approved: Add assessment to regular APLU bill

Approved: Use ESCOP funds to pay for Nancy Cox to conference call into Policy Board of Directors meeting on November 17.


  Minutes and Agenda Briefs


agenda #


Topic and Presenter




Welcome and Introductions - Clarence Watson

Approval of July 29-30 ESCOP Meeting Minutes, Agenda, and Interim Actions 


  • Approval of meeting minutes - Mark McLellan/David Boethel
  • Approval of Interim Actions - David Boethel/Mark McLellan









APLU Energy Initiative - Jim Turner

  • Jim turner, worked on capitol hill on energy legislation since 1975
  • Initative is being driven by three committees
    • Energy Advisory Committee - primarily President's and Chancellors
    • Government Affairs Working Group - primarily CGA's
    • Technology WorkingGroup - primarily VP's of research
      • Liaison with agencies that relate to energy
  • Meeting with OMB deputy on energy related funding
  • Wendy Fink is staff for committees
    • Government Affairs Working Group
      • Appropriations related to energy
      • Climate change legislation
      • Likely to be energy extension amendment in Senate bill
  • Future
    • Deputy pf DOE/EERE met with President's group, wants to work with universities
  • Possibility for Land Grant Universities members on Tech Working Group
    • Someone from feedstock production and processing areas








NIFA Vision and Update - Roger Beachy

  • Competitive programs
    • Encourage putting more faculty salary on grants, up to three years
    • Work on increasing indirect cost rate incrementally over next few years
    • Grants will be mortgaged forward in more cases, like NSF & HIH
      • This frees more funds to award grants
  • RFA's will likely focus on two national priorities in 2010, climate change and renewable biofuels
  • Fund some large mulstate regional grants in range of $10 million per year for 5 years, renewable for another 5 years
  • RFA's probably won't be out until mid January, but pre notice will come out in December
  • International collaboration may be important in future proposals, but not this year
  • Need to collect information on current indirect costs across system and then determine reasonable rate to shoot for.








Budget & Legislative Committee - Mike Vayda/Mike Harrington

  • Increase AFRI to $500 Million in a two step process
  • Hatch to $240 Million, little over 5% increase
  • Evans-Allen to $55 Million
  • McIntire-Stennis to $35 Million
  • 1994 research to $5 Million
  • Interest in trying to combine lines in future and reducing # of priority lines
  • Need to unify messages across all capacity lines
  • Beachy has indicated they want to focus capacity funds on Secretary's 5 priorities




Cornerstone Advocacy Update - Jim Richards

  • Anticipated for FY'11
    • Administration is looking for significant increase in competitive research budget
    • Overall talking about cuts in agencies budgets across government




Science & Technology Committee - Bill Ravlin/Dan Rossi

  • Multistate award, two awards given so far
    • Announcement of call for proposals out in mid-December
  • Science Roadmap
    • Delphi process was to inform committee to help develop the grand challenges
    • Committee did corsswalk with grand challenges of other agencies and funding groups
    • 7 draft grand challenges emerged and are being finalized now
      • We must enhance the sustainability, competitiveness, and profitability of U. S. food and agricultural systems.
      • We must adapt to and mitigate the impacts of climate change on food, feed, fiber and fuel systems in the U.S.
      • We must support energy security and the development of the bio-economy from renewable natural resources in the U.S.
      • We must play global leadership role to ensure a safe, secure and abundant food supply for the U.S. and the world
      • We must improve human health, nutrition and wellness of the US population.  We must heighten environmental stewardship
      • We must strengthen individual, family, and communtiy development and resilience.
  • Next Steps
    • Set up small groups of scientists to flesh out area
      • Current state
      • Where to go
      • Needs to get there
  • Identify 7 scientists to lead teams and choose members
  • Write report drafts for review at joint COPS
  • Final draft in early September for discussion at ESS





 Systems Communication & Marketing - John Scofield/Arlen Leholm

  • ECOP has decided to not fund the 3rd year
  • Need to have a review of the whole effort next summer that will be reported at ESS meeting
  • Motion from committee to add assessment to regular APLU bill -approved




NC-FAR, Vote on 2010 ESCOP Dues Payment - Clarence Watson

  • Delayed until February ESCOP meeting




2010 ESS Meeting & SAES/ARD Workshop - Orlando McMeans/Carolyn Brooks

  • Nashville Hilton - September 27-30
    • Rooms $169
    • Near restaurants
  • Start with regional meetings Monday afternoon





Next ESCOP Meeting / Other business - Clarence Watson

  • Next ESCOP meeting will be on Monday morning, Feb 22, at Keybridge Marriott in Alexandria, VA

 Guest Report - Molly John

  •  Role at REE includes the internal  investments - ARS, ERS and NASS
  • Currently gaining input from stakeholders
  • Interest in growing resources
  • Raising the profile of science at REE
  • Would like input on how ARS enhances capacity on campuses
  • Emphasis on efficient, strategic use of resources and leveraging funds
  • How can USDA improve interface with campuses, for example the reduced indirect cost, facilities?
  • The culture is very different in different ARS areas and Area Director is critical to setting the tone for collaboration
  • There will be a review on how REE's investments relate to Secretary's 5 priorities and how source of funds is related; i.e. capacity, competititve, state
    • Different funding sources may be more appropriate in certain priority areas
  • ARS internal funds are not to be replaced by competitive, rather they need to seek more competitive funds to enhance and complement base funds
 12.0 Approved by consensus to use ESCOP funds to pay for Nancy Cox to conference call into Policy Board of Directors meeting on November 17.





 Written Reports Only

 ARD - Orlando McMeans