Experiment Station Section Annual Meeting
Sheraton Oklahoma City, OK
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
10:30 am to 3:00 pm



Agenda Item

Actions Taken


ESS Business Meeting – Call to order, Steve Pueppke, Chair

  • Approval of the Agenda - Approved
  • Approval of the ESS Meeting Minutes on September 22, 2008, held in Traverse City, MI - Approved

NSRP Review Committee Actions:


  • $356,427 FY'10 budget recommendation - Approved (39 for, 4 against)


  • Recommendation to renew  project from 2009 to 2014 - Approved (42 for, 1 against). 

  • $50,000 FY'10 budget recommendation - Approved (43 for, 0 against).


  • $481,182 FY'10 budget recommendation - Approved (42 for, 1 against)


  •  $150,000 FY'10 budget recommendation - Approved (34 for, 9 agaisnt)


  • Recommendationto renew project proposal for 2009 to 2014 - Approved (38 for, 5 against)
  • $325,000 FY'10 budget recommendation - Approved (40 for, 3 against)  -  If funds equal to or less than this amount become available to NRSP-7 through a Congressional special grant during FY'10, that amount will not be distributed to NRSP-7 from Hatch MRF.


  • $500,000 FY'10 budget recommendation - Approved (36 for, 7 against)


  • Recommendation to defer decision on NRSP_temp161 until September 2010 - Approved (42 for, 1 agaisnt)

  • Recommendation to defer decision on NRSP_temp201until September 2010 - Approved (43 for, 0 against)

NRSP Guidelines changes

  • Recommendation to approve proposed changes to the NRSP guidelines - Approved (43 for, 0 against) 

 Excellence in Multistate Research Award Funds

  • Recommednation to approve FY'10 budget of $15,000 - Approved (38 for, 5 against)



Approved the Nomination Committee recommendation for Orlando McMeans to be the 2009 Chair-Elect for ESCOP.


Approved all resolutions




imeAgenda ItemTopic and Presenter
10:301.0ESS Business Meeting - Call to order, Steve Pueppke, Chair
10:352.0Interim Actions - Steve Pueppke
ESS Multistate Award Recipient - S1039, Biology, Impact and Management of Soybean Insect Pests in Soybean Production Systems?
10:403.0Multi-state Research Award Winners - Greg Bohach/Dan Rossi
  3.1 Multistate Research Award Funding
10:504.0CSREES/NIFA Update - Colien Hefferan
11:055.0APLU Report - Ian Maw
11:206.0NRSP Review Committee Report - Craig Nessler 
1:306.0 NRSP Review Commitee Report (continued) - Craig Nessler
1:407.0BAA-Policy Board of Directors Update - Nancy Cox

Advocacy Update - Tim Sanders/Hunt Shipman, Cornerstone Governmental Affairs

Ag/Health committee Changes
With Sen. Kennedy's passing; Sen. Harkin has taken over as chair of the Sentate Health committee, stepping down as chair
on the Ag. committee.  He will keep his seat on the panel, however, Sen. Lincoln from Arkansas has taken over as the first
felmale chair of the Ag. Committee.

Cap and Trade Legislation
Due to health care issue, the deadline for input has been postponed (originally was end of September)
Concern was expressed over whether the white paper actually supports Cap and Trade - it does not, it just outlines what we
will do IF it passes.

FY2010 Budget Expectations
Staff still meeting
Possible conference next week to have it on the floor by end of this FY
All numbers are subject to change


2:059.0System Communication and Marketing Implementation Committee Report - Jerry Arkin/Arlen Leholm

Nominations Committee Report - Bruce McPheron

A motion was made to approve the Nomination Committees recommendation for Orlando McMeans to be the 2009 Chair-Elect
for ESCOP.  The motion was seconded and passed.



Resolutions Committee Report - Doug Buhler

A motion was made to approve the 2009 Resolutions.  The motion was seconded and passed.

2:3012.0Tom Van Arsdall - National C-Far Presentation
2:55 14.0Final Remarks, Announcements, Changing of the Guard - Steve Pueppke
3:00 Adjourn - Clarence Watson
  Written Reports Only:

A. Budget and Legislative Committee - David Boethel/Mike Harrington

B. Communication and Marketing Committee - Jerry Arkin/Arlen Leholm

C. National Plant Germplasm Coordinating Committee - Lee Sommers/Eric Young

D. NIMSS Oversight Committee Report - Eric Young

E. Science and Technology Committee - Greg Bohach/Dan Rossi

F. Social Sciences Sub-Committee - Ed Osborne

G. IPM Strategies Sub-Committee - Frank Zalom

H. Extension Liaison Report - Leroy Daugherty

I. CARET Liaison Report - Dina Chacon-Reitzel

J. ARS Report - Ed Knipling