ESCOP Meeting Agenda, July 2015

Providence Marriott Downtown

Providence, Rhode Island

Tuesday, July 21, 2015


Attendees: Bob Shulstad, Chair, Eric Young, Bill Brown, Ernie Minton, Connie Kays, Jeff Jacobsen, Carolyn Brooks, Shirley Hymon-Parker, Hunt Shipman, Mike Harrington, Gary Thompson, Clarence Watson, George Hopper, Robert Holland, John Hayes, Cameron Faustman, Steve Slack, Dan Rossi, Denise Eblen, Bret Hess, Darren Katz, and Peter Kadamus



Action Items


 Approval of Agenda - Approved 

 Approval of Minutes - Approved
 Approval of Action Items - Approved


Motion to nominate Ernie Minton as second name for Steve Slack’s replacement on the Policy Board, along with Clarence  Watson – Hess/Thompson - Approved


Motion to established ad hoc committee to examine diversity in AES administration - Shirley/Steve – Approved


Cameron will draft response letter to NIFA on POW recommendations from ESCOP and circulate for comments/edits.  Final letter will be sent to Bart Hewitt




Agenda Item

Topic and Presenter



Welcome and Call to Order - Bob Shulstad, Chair

1.1 Approval of the Agenda

1.2 Approval of the March 3, 2015 ESCOP Meeting Minutes

1.3 Interim Actions of the Chair

  • Appointed Dr. Ernie Minton to the NC-FAR Board as an ESCOP representative
Approval of Agenda - Approved
Approval of Minutes - Approved
Approval of Action Items - Approved 



NIFA Update - Sonny Ramaswamy, Robert Holland

 In meeting report:

  • Webinars on Center
  • Commodity Boards provisions will be put in Federal Registrations and webinars will be held on this thursday
  • Capacity RFA’s are being released in June and July now 
  • Quality Improvements include streamlining RFA timeline, grant authorization payment process, grant awarding process, and indirect cost approval process   



Policy Board of Directors - Steve Slack 

  • Replacement ESCOP representative starting January 1, 2016  Steve Slack has announced his intention to retire the end of 2015, therefore ESCOP will need a replacement PBD member to finish his term through the APLU conference this November. BAA Rules of Operation prescribes the following for unexpected vacancies: "The Section provides a list of 2 nominees to the PBD which in turn selects one of those to complete the term.  The Section forwards 2 nominees and the PBD selects the replacement.  The person not selected becomes the alternate".  Clarence Watson, current alternate, has agreed to be one nominee, ESCOP needs to select a second.  
In meeting report:
  • Ernie Minton nominated as second name for Steve Slack's replacement along with Clarence Watson 
    • Approved – Hess/Thompson
  • Policy Board of Directors will choose member and alternate at meeting Wednesday    



Budget and Legislative - Gary Thompson, Mike Harrington

In meeting report:  

  • New money for big initiatives is very unlikely unless outside entities (industry, commodity groups, etc.) advocate for the funds
  • Moving pest management funds to the S-L 3D line may make it unavailable for research projects
  • Subsequent explanation by Jim Richards indicated that the 3D authority is very broad and flexible giving NIFA the ability to set up the program to include extension and research activities  



Communication and Marketing - Rick Rhodes, Dan Rossi



Science and Technology - John Russin, Jeff Jacobsen



NRSP Review - Bret Hess, Mike Harrington



NIMSS Redesign -Jeff Jacobsen

In meeting report:

  • Beta testing hopefully in August and early September 
  • Operational target is October  



Capital Infrastructure Task Force - Mike Hoffmann, Dan Rossi

In meeting report: 

  • Sightlines report
    • 88 institutions returned results on 86 Million square feet of space
    • $30 Billion replacement value infrastructure
  • Major factors identified
    •  Era of construction - 1950 – 1990 buildings – 53%
    • 80% of space has received medium to low investment in maintenance repair.  Implies falling further behind
    • Most space has not been significantly renovated
  • Deferred maintenance is $8 Billion, or $98 per square feet
  •  Over 60% is in science and teaching space
  • Not a huge difference regionally
  • Draft report next month
  • Final report in Sep, individual institutions will receive their report then   



NIFA Response on Crop Protection Pest Management Implementation - Mike Hoffmann, Mike Harrington

In meeting report: 

  • Senate budget moves funds to S-L 3D
  • Some question as to whether NIFA can fund research under the 3D line
  • Authorization for 3D line says that the “funds will be completed by land grants for “technical” and other services”
  • NIFA has a lot of discretion on what funds can be used for, so there shouldn’t be any problem including research effort
  • Other options is to include language that allows research in 3D or leave funds in 406 and disallow indirect costs
  • Preference would be to have it in 3D and NIFA work with ECOP and ESCOP to develop program that satisfies extension and research
  • Jim Richards, Mike Harrington, and Robin Shepard will meet with Sonny to discuss how the program under 3D might be structured to include extension and research  



NIFA Summary Comments on Water Security Initiative and B&L Committee Response - Steve Slack, Gary Thompson, Mike Harrington





Diversity in AES Administration - Jeff Jacobsen

 In meeting report:

  • Request to form and form an ad hoc group to pursue this issue
  • Motion to establish ad hoc committee – Shirley/Steve, motion approved
  • ED’s will work to recommend committee members, Jeff will take lead  



POW/AR Review Panel Feedback - Cameron Faustman

Powerpoint presentation  

In meeting report: 

  • ESCOP agreed with the review team’s recommendations on POW/AR changes
  • Since research reporting is already set up in REEport, ESCOP would like to see the AES’s transition to the new system ASAP and not have to wait until Extension reporting is available in REEport
  • Cameron will draft response letter to NIFA on POW recommendations from ESCOP and circulate for comments/edits.  Final letter will be sent to Bart Hewitt 



National IPM Dialogue - Steve Slack, Shirley Hymon-Parker 

Discussion of Pesticide Safety Education Program National Stakeholder Team's document, "The Critical Need for IPM Support of Pesticide Safety Education"  

In meeting report: 

  • Tabled until the ESS meeting  



2016 ESS-CES Joint Fall Meeting Tentative Schedule - Brett Hess, Mike Harrington

In meeting report: 

  • September 19-22, 2016, Jackson Lake Lodge, Jackson Hole, WY  



2015 Fall ESS/AES/ARD Meeting and Workshop Topics - Shirley Hymon-Parker, Carolyn Brooks

In meeting report

  • Sightlines may present infrastructure report  
 Added Item

 Impact Database Report - Bill Brown and Eric Young

In meeting report:
  • The ESCOP Chair received an email from Dave King at Washington State Univ requesting funding of $20,000 for open access to the recently completed impact training modules.  After discussion, it was decided to confirm our decision in March to not fund the training modules in this manner, but support the user fee payment model.
  • A proposal was received from Faith Peppers at University of Georgia requesting $5,000 per year to cover expenses of bringing together once a year four writers and a designer to develop compiled impact statements on a particular subject from each of the six Impact Database focus areas using information in the database.  After discussion, it was decided not to support this effort without more justification on value of the product.




 Written Briefs: ECOP Report to ESCOP